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View Full Version : FSA - Sorylian Pure Fleet list

07-17-2014, 05:11 AM
I am still working on painting my fleet right now but I've already started thinking about a fleet list. For Sorylians, most of the fleet lists I see tend to be the same with tactics varying differently. So I wanted to do something slightly different.

800 pt Sorylian Pure Fleet List:

Tier 1:
Halberds (x4)- 430
-Weapons Shielding
-Reinforced Port/Starboard

Tier 2:
Falcatas (x4) - 240

Tier 3
Reapers (x5) - 125
-Pack Hunters

Total: 795

I recognize that this is going to be low hit point fleet but since Sorylian strength lies in its mediums which hit above their weight class, I wanted to theme the list with them.

The difficulty is that potentially I can drop the halberds down to Falcatas and throw in a Battleship or Battle cruiser which gives me way more HP and ships, but I was looking to see how well a hardened fleet of heavy cruisers can do which means dumping half my points into them. Provided that I utilize enough terrain to keep them under cover and use my cruisers/frigates as forward screens should have enough movement to get into range using the drives to maximum. Additionally, spreading my hit points across multiple targets should help offset the vulnerability of the units themselves (hopefully).

Feedback is welcomed but bear in mind I don't have access to destroyers or corvettes (Kestros and Plumbatas).

07-22-2014, 08:33 PM
I, too, have thought of this list! I love it, because of the number of HP you bring to an 800 point fight. I have yet to try it out on the table myself, but I do have four heavy cruisers on my painting table right now...

Personally I would drop the Pack Hunters on the frigates and give the cruisers shields, for my survivability. I don't have my fleet list in front of me so I can't check the points at the moment, but you might have to move some stuff around, but shields are a must-have for me (as is the weapon shielding on the heavies). In my experience, pack hunters just isn't worth the points in an 800 point game because the frigates are so easily taken down from 5 to 3 to 2 in the squadron... But to each her own!

I'd love to hear how this list plays for you!