View Full Version : Is this a cheese list?

Victus Mortecarium
07-15-2014, 04:22 AM
I didn't put the bio-titan into the picture. Honestly, I don't want anything small. I just love the idea of a bunch of giant monsters attacking a city. I don't hate the small guys, but in all honesty I have always wanted an army of all big guys. Is this type of tyranid army frowned upon? Give me your opinions.

Post your cheese lists.

Mr Mystery
07-15-2014, 04:52 AM
Step 1 - Is it the list you want to field?

Step 2 - Are you going to be a manhood about every little thing that does or doesn't go your way?

Step 3 - Are your opponents, on the whole, happy to play you again?

Step 4 - If your answers to the above are, in this order 'yes' 'no' 'yes', then go for it.

Cheese lists are only an issue when combined with a jerk player.

Victus Mortecarium
07-15-2014, 05:06 AM
Thanks a lot for your response. I think that settles it then, my list isn't going to be an issue. I have been trying to think of something interesting for my armies fluff. Maybe these guys are specifically fielded to reduce cities to rubble, making them easier to harvest? Any ideas are welcome.

Mr Mystery
07-15-2014, 06:34 AM
Works for me.

However, with regard to the Bio-Titan, do understand that some opponents may decline to play against it, simply because without prior knowledge of it's participation, they may feel at a distinct advantage.

Worth investing in additional 'not as big' big guys so you can still get games in. But having said that, most gamers would probably be happy to play the whole shebang, given prior warning :) Few of us can resist a challenge!

Path Walker
07-15-2014, 06:44 AM
If your aim with a list is to win without the other player having a chance, then its a cheese list, if you care more about being victorious than the other players time, you're a cheese-monger. If you think it'll be fun and you're not sure if it'll be effective and aren't doing it to make it hard for your opponent, you're fine.

07-15-2014, 08:45 AM
On a scale of Brie to Feta, I rate this list a Camembert.

07-16-2014, 04:16 PM
I am guessing this is an Unbound list since I see no troops? You could field two sets of 3 warriors also since they while not monstrous are still large... then you would have a "bound" army.

I would play against this as long as it was a special scenario thing like attacking a hive or base but would not like to see it every game...

I don't feel it really be best for just regular pick up games though. But you could make it work for regular pick up games with a few tweaks. Some troops: either warriors or 30 termagants and a tervigon, for example.

Captain Bubonicus
07-17-2014, 07:27 AM
If you bring the bio-titan, make sure your opponent knows ahead of time, to give them a chance to bring something in their army that can actually HURT it!

07-17-2014, 07:31 AM
I didn't put the bio-titan into the picture. Honestly, I don't want anything small. I just love the idea of a bunch of giant monsters attacking a city. I don't hate the small guys, but in all honesty I have always wanted an army of all big guys. Is this type of tyranid army frowned upon? Give me your opinions.

Post your cheese lists.

If you ask anyone who still thinks Tyranids deserved the hammering they got in the last two codexes because of the imagined OP'dness of Nidzilla....then yes.

If you ask anyone with half a brain...no, its a cool thematic list which is going to have its weakness as any themed list does.
Just watch out for those Krak missiles, they will ruin your day

edit: And I'd reccomend looking at the Dataslate formations as buiding blocks for this list, particularly the Onslaught ones.

Oh and Don't take swarmlord he doesnt really do much for your Big guys as they can buy AdGlands for cheap and have enough firepower not to really worry and PE (which mostly only affects their to wound rolls)

07-18-2014, 02:11 AM
Why play if you don't want to play your best? Granted an exhibition game with a themed army is fun now and again. Destroy them, but be polite and respectful about it. They will either improve themselves and their strategy (if possible) and grow as people, or falter. If they do the later, ease up on them. You'll have already won by that point. I'm fine with losing, but don't expect me to not play my best. If I do lose it's just me being challenged to do better. I'm rather notorious with a group of players for taking a rabble of players and turning them into a lean mean game/video game playing machine. That's just what's fun for us.


Victus Mortecarium
07-19-2014, 04:51 PM
I don't much care for gaunts, but the two sets of 3 warriors is a pretty cool idea. I like Battle Forged lists. I like being able to deny objectives held by unbound armies (while not getting denied myself). I think being unbound, able to capture with any unit is a pretty big advantage as well.

Reading the replies in this thread is giving me a lot of insight!