View Full Version : Nautical-themed Knight Titan Commission

Epic Duck
07-14-2014, 10:02 PM
Hi there! Long time Lurker, first time Poster. You may know me in a former life as Miniwargamer Mike or Mike the Necron Guy; more than likely, you don't. Either way, that's not really important. What IS important, is that I just finished this beast of a commission and felt obligated to share it with the rest of you, whose WIP threads and completed projects have been a great source of inspiration for me.

I pulled heavily from nautical influences for this project. The House operating this Titan has a long naval tradition, and my client wanted that reflected in the model. THe more ornate parts of the armour were painted with a wood grain texture to bring to mind ancient sailing ships, while the rest of the carapace was painted in shallow water tones. Much of the piping and tubing on the model was painted in light browns to emulate ship rigging as well.

The Business End of the Cannon.

I cut away decorative holes in much of the armour. The client really liked the exoskeleton of the Titan and wanted to expose more of it than the base model did. We toyed with the idea of creating smaller Shoulder pads or trimming down the back carapace, but landed on this idea instead - which is probably more reminiscent of violins than boating, but oh well.

The default plastic banner between the Titan's legs was cut away, and replaced with a real fabric one. The design (a Night Lords emblem of sorts, whom this Titan is currently allied with) was created using InkScape and Photoshop, and printed on Inkjet-safe Fabric.

A close-up on the Wood Grain on the Chainsword.

Thanks for looking! There's more photos available on my Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.727277433999294.1073741826.143626709031039&type=1) if you're interested.

07-14-2014, 11:16 PM
Oh wow! Miniwargamer Mike among us! Really cool to have you here!

That's an exceptionally unique Knight. Very well done.

07-15-2014, 01:44 AM
That looks pretty awesome. Great work!

07-15-2014, 09:17 AM
That is absolutely beautiful.

07-15-2014, 01:29 PM
The wood grain is amazing! Very well done and thanks for sharing!

Epic Duck
07-16-2014, 02:37 PM
Thanks for the welcome and the positive comments :D I'll try to do a tutorial on the wood grain technique in the future... though occasions to actually paint it don't come up too often!