View Full Version : Necron Cryptek Question

07-12-2014, 11:17 AM
in the royal court rules it states that

"any number of crypteks that are in a royal court can be upgraded to a single, specific type of harbinger. Whilst you can have any number of harbingers of a specific type each of the harbinger unique wargear options can only be chosen once"

Does this mean

A. All necron cryptek the units must be upgraded to despair if one is.

B. A cryptek can only be one type of harbinger.

C. All of the above.

It is pretty obvious each necron can only be one type of harbinger, but my plan was to have crypteks from 2 different schools but now I'm thinking I need to have two royal courts for that.

07-12-2014, 12:15 PM
It reads like they meant C, but according to last edition's FAQ it's just B.

John Bower
07-12-2014, 04:29 PM
Both Army Builder (6th ed data files) and Battlescribe (7th ed) seem to think that each Cryptek can be upgraded individually. So you can have multiple Despairs, or a single despair and something else, or a mix of both. However you like. That's 2 different army builders; surely they can't both be wrong?

07-12-2014, 06:04 PM
Both Army Builder (6th ed data files) and Battlescribe (7th ed) seem to think that each Cryptek can be upgraded individually. So you can have multiple Despairs, or a single despair and something else, or a mix of both. However you like. That's 2 different army builders; surely they can't both be wrong?
Wow... who can refute logic like that?

07-12-2014, 06:19 PM
Wow... who can refute logic like that?

His logic may be faulty, but he iis right.

The text means that the cryptek cannot be upgraded twice.

07-12-2014, 07:29 PM
I know of several errors in both armybuilder and battlescribe, so they're not overly reliable. If you want to know what the actual rules are, pull out your codex and check the latest FAQs.

John Bower
07-12-2014, 11:07 PM
I know of several errors in both armybuilder and battlescribe, so they're not overly reliable. If you want to know what the actual rules are, pull out your codex and check the latest FAQs.

There always will be; but that's because like anyone else they have their own ideas on interpretation of rules. But have to say if anything for the most part they tend to rule against the player rather than to power listing. Remember the long running dispute in AB over marine Sergeants and their loadouts? How AB wouldn't let you take a PF and PP because they decided that (and I still don't know where this came from) you couldn't 'double swap' a weapon.

07-13-2014, 12:36 AM
I'm... not quite sure what you're on about. Armybuilder is in no way official. Sometimes it has incorrect options or points costs, not because they decided to rewrite the rules but because that's a ton of data to input and there are going to be errors here or there. So you look in the actual codex for the actual rules that GW actually wrote and use those when needed.

Incidentally, it's pretty easy to go into the armybuilder files and change points values and the like. So if you find an error, you can correct it for your copy, but it's another reason why you shouldn't blindly trust armybuilder.

07-13-2014, 07:28 AM
Discussions of the various list construction software aside, I hope this fully answers the OP's Royal Court questions.

In a single royal court you can have:
5 Necron Lords, individually upgraded.
5 Crypteks, individually upgraded except that no 2 can have the same piece of non-weapon wargear. You can have 2 Abyssal Staves, but not 2 Veil of Darkness in the same Royal Court.

If you have multiple Overlord Characters (some of the named characters are Overlords, some are not), then you can have multiple Royal Courts, and can replicate non-weapon wargear if the different royal courts.

In a single CAD, you can have characters from different Royal Courts join a unit (Deathmarks, Immortals, Warriors, or Lychguard, only I believe). So you could have a warrior squad with two Harbinger of the Storm attached, as long as the crypteks came from different Royal Courts.

Same thing should be true in a multiple CAD situation... I haven't tested it, however. I can imagine a Ghost Ark with 5 warriors and 4 Harbinger of Destruction and a Overlord giving the unit both combat punch and a Res Orb.

07-13-2014, 12:51 PM
Discussions of the various list construction software aside, I hope this fully answers the OP's Royal Court questions.

In a single royal court you can have:
5 Necron Lords, individually upgraded.
5 Crypteks, individually upgraded except that no 2 can have the same piece of non-weapon wargear. You can have 2 Abyssal Staves, but not 2 Veil of Darkness in the same Royal Court.

If you have multiple Overlord Characters (some of the named characters are Overlords, some are not), then you can have multiple Royal Courts, and can replicate non-weapon wargear if the different royal courts.

In a single CAD, you can have characters from different Royal Courts join a unit (Deathmarks, Immortals, Warriors, or Lychguard, only I believe). So you could have a warrior squad with two Harbinger of the Storm attached, as long as the crypteks came from different Royal Courts.

Same thing should be true in a multiple CAD situation... I haven't tested it, however. I can imagine a Ghost Ark with 5 warriors and 4 Harbinger of Destruction and a Overlord giving the unit both combat punch and a Res Orb.

Yeah, this is how I hoped most people would think it would work.
now for chronometron + overlord