View Full Version : Dark vengance question.

Isaac Gutierrez
07-11-2014, 10:57 PM
I've been hearing that the stormclaw set is going to be the first of many new "campaing sets" or whatever they are called, and that the dark vengance set is going to be like the core starter set.

Does this means that the dark vengance is still available? Does it comes still with the 6th edition mini rule book? Is there any other way of getting the mini rule book, other than the stormclaw set?

Thanks in advance.

Path Walker
07-12-2014, 01:30 AM
Dark vengeance, if you buy it today, will have the 6th edition mini rule book, however, new stock hasn't been sent out to shops for a few weeks, it'll be re-released in a few weeks with the 7th edition book.

Rumours are, if you can prove you bought Dark Vengeance in the last month, GW will send you the 7th Ed mini rule book

Mr Mystery
07-12-2014, 12:23 PM
This week's White Dwarf has 'Dark Vengeance' under the coming next week heading.

One assumes that's with the spangly new rules in the box.