View Full Version : Shameless Self-promotion

07-11-2014, 08:04 PM
Hi y'all,
This is my introduction/plea for the contest win. I've followed BoLS for quite some time now, but find it hard to be active in the community though i have a lot of questions/opinions about the game. I'm somewhat willing to enter contests when it takes no effort, even less so when there is. I was happy to finally get involved and get my voice out there. Plus, I couldn't pass up the chance to win those bags. As I will be travelling abroad, I've been debating what to do with my army. Currently, I'm trying to sell them for the extra cash. But if I win these bags there's a good chance I will be able to keep my army and transport it safely. I want to thank BoLS for running this contest. I've had fun writing posts on here, and hope to continue to do so in the future. After all, it my be one of my few outlets for the game soon :o
I hope I'm not breaking rules or offending everyone by posting this, just wanna share my side. If you want to share your story and why YOU deserve the bags, I encourage you to do so below :)

07-21-2014, 04:05 AM
come to the oubliette

Enjoy our tangents


07-21-2014, 04:08 AM
Hello and welcome aboard