View Full Version : Tyranid Codex Poll

01-20-2010, 12:25 PM
Simply put there is ALOT of talk about the new Tyranid Codex. So lets take a simple poll to get some numbers based on what people think.

I think it's the best Tyranid Codex since the 2nd edition - background fluff, ease of use, entries etc but what do you think.


01-20-2010, 12:43 PM
Having only briefly looked at the codex I think it's fine. While many decry the lack of biomorphs available I'm not so sure it's a terrible thing as it makes understanding the army easier for non-nid players.

Also you can field a whole army of warriors (with boneswords and deathspitters) so that's cool with me.

01-20-2010, 12:43 PM
It's a well done codex, and overall I'm very happy with it, but I wish GW would playtest a bit more to correct the ambiguous wording of several rules.

01-20-2010, 12:43 PM
Good. Could be improved.

01-20-2010, 12:43 PM
From what I've seen, it's a good codex. It's not TEH BEST CODEX EVAR!1one, but it is good.

01-20-2010, 01:17 PM
As others have said, there are some issues that could be improved, but the codex is good overall. What impresses me most is that all the different army styles appear to at least be viable options. The last two editions have all been about one playstyle. In 3rd ed it was mutated hormagaunt swarms. In 4th it was a shooty Nidzilla list. With both of those forces you'd set up, and run across the table with perhaps some outflanking stealers in the Nidzilla army.

Now you can play lots of different styles of army. You want an MC force, you can do it. You want horde, you can do it. You want stealershock, a flying list, a deepstriking force, a spore pod force, a medium bug list, and more.

Will all of those styles turn out to be competitive in a top-tournament environment? Probably not, but they look to be viable on at least a casual or semi-competitive level, which is much better than things were before.


01-20-2010, 01:34 PM
Where's the poll choice that's "Poor: Has competitive builds and cool new models, but also has tons of pure crap" residing? Oh well.

The Custodian
01-20-2010, 01:34 PM
I would have divided it into two different areas, an area for nid players to respond and non nid players. It seems that all non nid players love the book while theres a split in the current nid players on how the dex is done...

01-20-2010, 01:34 PM
I don't love the book, I just said it's decent. I don't see it as being weak.

01-20-2010, 01:34 PM
From what I've read, and having had a game against it, I would say that over all its a good codex and I hope my army gets as may options.

Some wording needs a bit of attention, but that shouldn't really matter in friendly games

01-20-2010, 01:34 PM
From what I've read, and having had a game against it, I would say that over all its a good codex and I hope my army gets as may options.

Some wording needs a bit of attention, but that shouldn't really matter in friendly games

01-20-2010, 01:34 PM
Not really that much into the Nids...


Extinction Angel
01-20-2010, 02:59 PM
I'm a 'nid player and I like it a lot so far. Definetly not the best codex ever but it's a start. I have a few qualms however:

It is NOT easy to use. People keep saying that but to me tons of "see pg. ???" references are annoying.
No Red Terror...love my Red Terror but they even put a little fluff blurb about it, playing it off like it might never have existed in the first place.
No Genestealer cults and 'stealers have a 5+ save. I do like being able to run multiple broodlords and lots of genestealers.
I wish the swarm lord had wings. But then it'd be a true nightmare.

And that's really about all I care about right now. Some of the wording needs revision. But overall, not bad.

01-20-2010, 03:16 PM
Compared to 3rd and 4th it is infinitely superior.

Solid book.

Hades Alpha
01-20-2010, 03:16 PM
I would have divided it into two different areas, an area for nid players to respond and non nid players. It seems that all non nid players love the book while theres a split in the current nid players on how the dex is done...


The new codex has good options and well balanced overall. However, all the uber unit are new models so we (nid players) have to change most of our army... And that's bad.

01-20-2010, 03:16 PM
Compared to 3rd and 4th it is infinitely superior.

Solid book.

That is very weird. I already typed "Compared to the 3rd and 4th editions, 5th id infinitely superior."

It appears I have been ninjad.

01-20-2010, 04:07 PM
Average. Not good, not bad, just lackluster with a lot of vague rules.

01-20-2010, 05:50 PM
it's fine i think, i don't think it lends itself to horde style of play as much anymore unfortunately. It's definitely a nidzilla codex, but who doesn't love MC's? it fixes a lot of the anti mech problems they used to have and drop podding bugs is cool, solves some footslogging issues. but over all i was bleh about it. it's certainly more balanced than i expected.

01-23-2010, 11:36 PM
Like all codexes, it has some units that are pure crap (Pyrovores and Harpy) and some that are awesome (Swarmlord.) I look forward to collecting a Tyranid force and finding out for myself.

01-24-2010, 09:36 AM
be careful "text-judging" a unit as good or bad, i think anyone playing long enough has eventually done that and later been forced to eat their words. I know i've done it a couple times, where i thought a unit stupid expensive or useless, only to find out later, usually by receiving a sound thrashing, that i was waaay wrong. I find it's best to play test an army over and over and over working through stuff...

01-24-2010, 09:43 AM
While it's true that probably everyone, after a significant number of attempts, has "text-judged" a unit and later discovered that his or her judgement was very wrong, my personal experience has been that I'm right far more often than I'm wrong. You can definitely judge a unit accurately from nothing more than its stats and rules. The fact that it's difficult to do it perfectly every time doesn't really change the fact that it can be done, and that it's not even terribly difficult.

01-24-2010, 12:21 PM
Seems to be well balanced with some new toys for the Nids players.

I like that GW shakes up the units from codex to codex. I think it really fits the

01-24-2010, 09:38 PM
I think it's good, but could be better.

My biggest issue with it is that it seems to try to force people to buy a truck load of new stuff just to play the same way.

I used to use Spineguants as my meatshield/cheap scoring unit, but now the termagaunt is the new cheapest nid. Players like me now either have to strip/swap the weapons off of our 40+ models or buy whole new broods to maintain our core horde.

Also why didn't the Carnifex recieve some monstrous love? Most of the new additions have better stats than the Carnifex which makes it seem like an out-evolved strain. Why couldn't the Carnifex (which served the Hive Mind well) be maintained as a viable brute foce nid? One or two God-fexes could stomp around the battlefield and still be viable, but now the Carnifex is an all or nothing option.

I hate when marketing gets in the way of good things. :(