View Full Version : Dark Angels army project

07-11-2014, 03:36 AM
Hi guys. I recently decided (yesterday) to focus on finishing one army/project at a time, and wanted to try and finish my current DA force. I got back in to 40k with the Dark Vengeance box, and chose the green-marines, since I have aquired both an Eldar army, as well as the beginnings of a Tyranid force, but after assempling, converting and painting a bit here and there, decided on the 'one army at a time' approach.

So in support of this attempt decided to share this with you guys.

I'm gonna try naming my squads and characters and maybe in time other troops, as the idea of narrative gaming appeals to me, and hopefully this will assist me in forging a narrative for my army.

So here goes...

This is the first minis I painted after getting back in to it. Tactical squad "Belfra", led by veteran sergeant Belfra


My second tactical squad, where some are missing the DA wings on the left shoulder. Tactical squad "Breaker", led by veteran sergeant Hamry


Extra special weapons and missile launcher for my tact squads...


This is my DA veterans squad / command squad. Decided to try some different colours for them, with the red shouldguards. Command / veteran squad "Serapha".


My most recently painted mini for the DAs. Librarian Yangel, a mastery level 2 librarian.


My first painted Ravenwing attack squad, which is going to be part of a 6 bikes strong attack squad with attack bike and landspeeder. I painted these simultaneously with the first tact squad. RW attack squad "Angels Fury" led by veteran sergeant Khataar.


And last for now, my Deathwing Terminator squad, squad "Erial" led by Terminator sergeant Erial. Three of the five termis in the squad are finished, and this is what I will be working on finishing next...


Some of the above minis are done, but most need some basing, and possibly a few touches here and there.

Otherwise I need to complete the following:
- Rhino/Razorback (magnetized)
- Captain (from DV box)
- RW command squad w. champion, apothecary and standard
- Interrogater Chaplain on bike
- IC Seraphicus
- A DW Knights squad
- Additional DW termis with various heavy wpn options
- Rest of RW attack squad "Angels Fury", three bikes + attack bike + speeder
- Scout squad
- RW Darkshroud / vengeance speeder
- Aaaaand a drop pod

Jesus thats a lot of painting...

Please C&C, and let me know what you think.

And if anyone have suggestions for taking better pics, please let me know!! I only have a mac-phone (iPhone) for the pics though :)


07-11-2014, 09:04 AM
That's a good looking bunch, it would appear that you and I sit at about the same skill level, so I can't offer much more. But I like 'em! Keep up the good work and get some more HQ's painted up!

07-11-2014, 11:04 AM
good looking dudes man keep it up!

07-15-2014, 11:17 AM
Looking good mate! Hope we can get a couple of games in soon :)

07-25-2014, 02:29 PM
Ok, so here's an update. I finished the above DW squad, a little slow, but hey it's summer:)

Termi w chainfist


Termi w. autocannon




Termi w PF 1


Termi w PF 2


Please c&c! Think the next I'm doing will be the Rhino / Razorback, just to get a change of pace.

07-26-2014, 07:42 AM
Looking good!