View Full Version : Novi Store Closing, Tournaments, and Gaming in Michigan

01-19-2010, 09:21 PM
Hi all,

First I was just wondering if anyone had heard anything about the Novi GW store closing. I had just started recently going up there just a little before Christmas time so I wouldn't be surprised if I wasn't in the loop on hearing about this. I'm not actually sure if its for real, one of the GW workers at the store in Great Lakes Crossing told me that it closed last weekend. I had been up there a couple times after Christmas looking to get some paint and the hours didn't match up to the GW and they didn't have any hours posted either so I was wondering if there was any legitimacy to that claim.

Second I was wondering where I could find information about local tournaments. I'm only 20 and obviously haven't anywhere near the experience of most of the gamers on this site. I've finally got an army thats painted and modeled to the point were I don't think I would be laughed out of the store. Any information about how to find these or whats the proper way to cut my teeth into the competitive gaming circle would be very appreciated.

And Last, saying that story about the Novi store is true, whats a good place in Michigan to buy and game from? I live near the Metro Detroit area and the crowd at the GW store at Great Lakes Crossing seems a little young and truth be told its a little far away from me. Is there any store in or around Ann Arbor that has both a good selection of stuff and a friendly gaming environment? additionally, I go to school around the Jackson area and I was wondering if there were any good stores around this area that weren't too far out of the way and offered a good gaming environment.

Much Thanks - eagle

Commissar Lewis
01-19-2010, 09:55 PM
Hey, I also live in the Metro-Detroit area! High five!

But as for the Novi store vlosing, haven't heard about it. I mostly go to the one in Rochester Hillls, tbh.

01-19-2010, 10:29 PM
Check out pandemonium in the greater detroit area or the fortress in East lansing. Both have very active 40k communities. The fortress just had a 36 person tournament last weekend.

40kfightclub.com started in michigan, its a great way to figure out whats going on in state.

01-20-2010, 05:19 AM
There are three gaming stores in Ann Arbor area (since the GW store in Ypsi closed the same day as the Novi store)

Labrynth Games is down on campus, in a basement area off State Street. I've only been there three or four times. It strikes me as mostly comics book store with a huge gaming space, and a very small stock of GW product. I'm not sure what the state of gaming is there. The few times I've been there I've found that the staff isn't terribly friendly. Parking is an issue as it's close to campus

Get Your Game On! is also down near campus. Mostly comics, MtG, board and video games, but they do have a aisle of GW product and tables to play at (and terrain). Not sure what the mini game situatuion is there either, but the guy that owns it is a really nice, helpful and friendly. Parking is also an issue as it's down near campus.

Riders is in Ypsilanti. Nice stock of GW product (which is discounted), some Warmachine, board games and RPGs. They have gaming space, but right now they're only doing one 40K event every one or two months.


I will say that the Detroit Metro area has two of the best gaming stores I've seen in a while.

RIW Hobbies in in Livonia on 5 mile. Good stock of GW product (discounted), and just about any other mini game you could want as well as board games, CCGs, painting and terrain supoplies. Very impressive inventory for such a small store. RIW also supports gaming groups. They have a couple of store fronts in the back of the mini-mall they're located in. I know they play Warmachine/Horders, Magic, etc.....don't know about 40K though, you'd want to ask the people at RIW if and when they play.

Pandemonium in Garden City is HUGE!. Literally the biggest gaming space I've even seen. Things are happening there constantly. It's been a few years since I've done any gaming there, but I'm pretty sure there is some 40K going on there. The store is also very well stocked. All the GW stuff, including some direct order only and they have a very small offering of Forgeworld product IN STOCK. Another store with just a great inventory of a bunch of different product.

01-20-2010, 09:01 AM
I had no idea that any Riders still carried GW products, I know that the ones in Livonia and Canton stopped carrying them awhile ago. I will definitely check out RIW hobby, I live right off 275 and 7 mile and I'm surprised I missed that right under my nose. My older brother used to go up there back in the day when he was into Magic and I haven't been into that store since I was probably 12 or 13.

01-20-2010, 09:35 AM
I think Magic is still RIW's best seller and what most people go there to play. But the minature gaming selection is what impresses me for such a small store front.

* 40K - They have most of the box sets in stock for each army, but few blisters. Will special order though and the discount is nice.

* Warmachine/Hordes- They carry the complete line of models plus the PP paints.

* Malifaux, Uncharted Seas, Firestorm Armada, Infinity, Flames of War, plus - Completely stock the entire lines of some of the smaller games. In my opinion this is what sets them apart from some other stores.

* Supplies - They carry GW, PP and Reaper Master series paints, plus a good selection of basing supplies, and tools.

Not sure what the gaming situation is. I do know they have a strong Warmachine/Hordes player base, and that some of the smaller mini games (like Malifaux) also have a following there.

01-23-2010, 01:08 AM
O.o I had no idea. Just tried calling, number is disconnected. That is a huge bummer. While the normal staff was ok (kids would not stop pestering me) Erica the manager always was very cool. That really sucks, had planned on doing mondel for paintjob swap.

Lame GW corporate. Lame.

01-23-2010, 12:44 PM
The kid a the Great Lakes Crossing store said that Arica is still doing gaming in the area and that if GW plans to open another store in South Eastern Michigan she'd be first on the list

01-26-2010, 01:26 AM
Well, I sincerely hope she is. She did a damned good job, so I hope it all works out. Bummer I had to read this here though, never heard a peep until now.

02-01-2010, 08:15 PM
Is there a Michigan tabletop forum or site to find players/games at?

04-11-2010, 10:20 AM
You can check out MI40K.com (http://mi40k.com)

We have a large local fan base to the Brighton, Flint, Novi, Ann Arbor areas. We've also been holding a tournament every three months at various gaming stores in the area. Most of the Ypislanti GW players have migrated over to Rider's in Ypsilanti. They have open gaming Fridays and Saturdays. We have also renewed the challenge board from GW on our site with free entry and sign-up. Check it out.

Sorry about the necromancy. Just thought people might still be looking in the area for places to play.