View Full Version : 1500 Blood Angel Drop List

07-06-2014, 10:29 AM
So this is a drop list I have been contemlating taking toa Feast of Blades Qualifier. Thoughts on what it will struggle with would be appreciated.

Reclusiarch w/ Infernus (deploys with Death Company)
Honor Guard 4 X melta with Drop Pod
9 Death Company 1 X Infernus, 2 X Power Ax, 1 ThunderHammer, Drop Pod
10 Assualt marines, 2 X Melta, 1 X Infernus and Powerfist, Drop Pod
10 SternGuard, 2 X Melta, 4 X Combi Melta, 2 X combi flamer, drop pod
5 Assualt marines 1 X Melta, drop pod
5 Assualt marines 1 X melta, drop pod
5 assualt marines, drop pod

So it is a null deployment army. It drops 35 marines and 4 drop pods on turn 1. Most of the marines on the initial drop will have feel no pain. The initial drop has 14 melta shots that can potentially engage 7 different targets on the drop.

It has no real anti flyer, so it's only real hope is to either get real lucky at shots with melta, but in reality no real defense.
It may struggle with a wave serpant spam list as I can only realistically get 1 or 2 wave serpants killed on turn 1.
Any other thoughts?

One question. The death company cannot score because of the rage rule. But since they are in the troop slot and have a drop pod can the drop pod now score and does it have objective secured. I believe it does. Thoughts?

07-06-2014, 10:46 AM
So this is a drop list I have been contemlating taking toa Feast of Blades Qualifier. Thoughts on what it will struggle with would be appreciated.

Reclusiarch w/ Infernus (deploys with Death Company)
Honor Guard 4 X melta with Drop Pod
9 Death Company 1 X Infernus, 2 X Power Ax, 1 ThunderHammer, Drop Pod
10 Assualt marines, 2 X Melta, 1 X Infernus and Powerfist, Drop Pod
10 SternGuard, 2 X Melta, 4 X Combi Melta, 2 X combi flamer, drop pod
5 Assualt marines 1 X Melta, drop pod
5 Assualt marines 1 X melta, drop pod
5 assualt marines, drop pod

So it is a null deployment army. It drops 35 marines and 4 drop pods on turn 1. Most of the marines on the initial drop will have feel no pain. The initial drop has 14 melta shots that can potentially engage 7 different targets on the drop.

It has no real anti flyer, so it's only real hope is to either get real lucky at shots with melta, but in reality no real defense.
It may struggle with a wave serpant spam list as I can only realistically get 1 or 2 wave serpants killed on turn 1.
Any other thoughts?

One question. The death company cannot score because of the rage rule. But since they are in the troop slot and have a drop pod can the drop pod now score and does it have objective secured. I believe it does. Thoughts?

read the rules—does the drop pod come with the Black Rage rule? Nope.

I'd go with Plasma in the Honor Guard. Their main job is keeping the priest alive since you only have one.

07-07-2014, 02:24 AM
The biggest issue you will face is with horde type armies.

I am also never convinced by 5 man assault squads, or maybe that is just me.

07-07-2014, 04:10 AM
The Death Company don't need the infernus pistols and power axes. They're going to kill pretty much anything they charge anyway, giving them anything else is just overkill. Keep the hammer for vehicles and particularly big MCs, but other than that bolters are best as rage gives them enough attacks to kill near enough anything in the game.

07-07-2014, 10:15 AM
Death Company don't need many fancy toys, as the object is not to wipe out the squad you are assaulting on your turn, but rather on your opponents turn so they are not shot to pieces. With the Chaplain attached to them it really makes them killy with the re-rolls.

Combat-squadding the Sternguard might be worth a try as well, then you will be able to attack another vehicle if one is close enough.

Basil Wall
07-08-2014, 01:28 AM
What you are going to struggle with is imperial knights - the only super heavy allowed. I have been thinking of an Army for the qualifiers too - BA and GK are my main armies. I went to local store for a pick up game with my BA, and the other guy was playing IG and an Imperial Knight. Besides being able to move 12, and easily kill a unit or LR in melee every turn (its chain sword does D damage), when it explodes, it also does D damage to the first 5 inches or so, and then Str 10 AP1 (I think, all my stuff was in "D" range, so it didn't matter).

I am not dooming and glooming, but someone is going to bring some imperial knights, and you need a way to kill them from 10" away (melta guns CAN do it, but if you shoot and fail, you are in charge range).

07-10-2014, 04:34 PM
Check your local qualifier, mine came out with no lords of war. Knights are still lords of war aren't they?

07-10-2014, 05:09 PM
Check your local qualifier, mine came out with no lords of war. Knights are still lords of war aren't they?

They are not lord of war, why most imperial army's take one in tournaments I seen due to being useful if u out all ur fire power into it gives the rest off there army free turn or 2 to do whatever they want

07-10-2014, 10:40 PM
How can a super heavy not be a lord of war..... Well I am definitely keeping the melta's in the list then. Moved some stuff around to put Corbulo in. Figure he will be good for slowing down a screamerstar if it shows up.

07-11-2014, 07:07 AM
How can a super heavy not be a lord of war..... Well I am definitely keeping the melta's in the list then. Moved some stuff around to put Corbulo in. Figure he will be good for slowing down a screamerstar if it shows up.

Sorry I made a mistake just had a look in my imperial knights book and they are lord of war sorry wasn't sure on it as I only used it myself once.

07-11-2014, 11:17 AM
Only thing I've found to be interesting that I might suggest adding would a DC DN... They DO have the Objective Secured, drop pod him right on top of something with the Magna Grapple, Flamer and Melta? No charge on the first turn, but a decent chance to take down a Vehicle... And you do ignore a lot of the results on the damage chart...

07-12-2014, 08:28 PM
I played ina tournament with a derivative of this list today. went 1-1-1. The last game I dropped and had 6 melta shots at a battle wagon (killed it), 3 melta shots at a battlewagon missed all three, 4 shots at a battle wagon, ripped one weapon off, 1 hull point. Later in the game the death company charges the mega super nobs. I should have done 6-7 Ap2 ax wounds and 3 str 8 ap2 thunderhammer wounds. I did 5 ax wounds and 1 thunder hammer wound. He needlessly to say wiped the death company. If I had rolled average it would have been simultaneous annihilation. Instead he had 4 models left and got my warlord. After laying here is the new list:

Reclusiarch (dropping the infernus, he just is never close enough to fire the darn thing)

5 honor guard, 4 meltas, pod. They did good work today (other than that last game)

Saguinary priest with infernus pistol (I had been playing with Corbulo and I may still fit him back in but I like having this extra infernus on the initial drop).

7 SternGuard 2 meltas, 4 combi-meltas, pod (this unit was solid the entire game) I will deply the sanguinary priest with this unit but on the drop the priest will probably join the 10 man assualt squad.

10 Assualt marines, infernus, 2 X melta, pod (I dropped the fist. It was practiciually useless this squad is all about getting 3 melta shots and being durable. Gains me 25 points back.

8 Death Company 2 power axes, 1 thunderhammer, (dropped the infernus as it just is never in range becuase I want to charge this unit so I deploy it in the second line, I can drop the thunder hammer to a powerfist as well if I need the points but I love the model)

5 assault marines in pod
5 assault marines in pod
Death Compnay dreadnuaght in pod (So someone pointed out that currently the death compnay dread is scoring and even has objective secured as it does not have the "black rage" rule. I often found a need tpo split my death company to go to two areas as a counter assualt. It also allows me to have a great counter assualt unit in my back field.

This leaves me 35 points or so. Not sure the best way to spend it yet but I like the changes.

07-13-2014, 06:12 PM
I played ina tournament with a derivative of this list today. went 1-1-1. The last game I dropped and had 6 melta shots at a battle wagon (killed it), 3 melta shots at a battlewagon missed all three, 4 shots at a battle wagon, ripped one weapon off, 1 hull point. Later in the game the death company charges the mega super nobs. I should have done 6-7 Ap2 ax wounds and 3 str 8 ap2 thunderhammer wounds. I did 5 ax wounds and 1 thunder hammer wound. He needlessly to say wiped the death company. If I had rolled average it would have been simultaneous annihilation. Instead he had 4 models left and got my warlord. After laying here is the new list:

Reclusiarch (dropping the infernus, he just is never close enough to fire the darn thing)

5 honor guard, 4 meltas, pod. They did good work today (other than that last game)

Saguinary priest with infernus pistol (I had been playing with Corbulo and I may still fit him back in but I like having this extra infernus on the initial drop).

7 SternGuard 2 meltas, 4 combi-meltas, pod (this unit was solid the entire game) I will deply the sanguinary priest with this unit but on the drop the priest will probably join the 10 man assualt squad.

10 Assualt marines, infernus, 2 X melta, pod (I dropped the fist. It was practiciually useless this squad is all about getting 3 melta shots and being durable. Gains me 25 points back.

8 Death Company 2 power axes, 1 thunderhammer, (dropped the infernus as it just is never in range becuase I want to charge this unit so I deploy it in the second line, I can drop the thunder hammer to a powerfist as well if I need the points but I love the model)

5 assault marines in pod
5 assault marines in pod
Death Compnay dreadnuaght in pod (So someone pointed out that currently the death compnay dread is scoring and even has objective secured as it does not have the "black rage" rule. I often found a need tpo split my death company to go to two areas as a counter assualt. It also allows me to have a great counter assualt unit in my back field.

This leaves me 35 points or so. Not sure the best way to spend it yet but I like the changes.

you might want to replace the honor guard with a Frag Cannon/Melta/Magna grapple Furioso. I find that they work well, are multi-purpose baddie killers.

I've also found if you are going to keep the honor guard that Plasma Rifles work well with them. Allows you to maneuver the priest for the bubble, and put down nasty firepower at moderate ranges, or lots of shots up close.

Straight JaKeT
07-14-2014, 02:15 AM
If you can fit one a 5 man assault squad deep striking in a land raider is worth the 315 pts. If for no other reason then to see the look on your opponents face....