View Full Version : Lance Weapons and super heavy walkers

King Chud
07-06-2014, 12:12 AM
I just got the Imperial Knights codex and I was a little confused on the invincible behemoth rule. It states "any attacks or special abilities that permanently lower the armor value of a target vehicle do not affect a super-heavy walker. Note that attacks or abilities that count the armor value as being lower, but do not actually change it, work normally." First of all what kind of attacks permanently lower the armor value for a vehicle? Secondly, how does the interpretation on lance weapons work? Are they in the second category of the rule?

07-06-2014, 01:09 AM
I just got the Imperial Knights codex and I was a little confused on the invincible behemoth rule. It states "any attacks or special abilities that permanently lower the armor value of a target vehicle do not affect a super-heavy walker. Note that attacks or abilities that count the armor value as being lower, but do not actually change it, work normally." First of all what kind of attacks permanently lower the armor value for a vehicle? Entropic strike Secondly, how does the interpretation on lance weapons work? Are they in the second category of the rule?

Does a vehicle strike by a lance have its AV permanently lowered? or does it just "count the armour value as being lowered" (heres a hint: read the special rule Lance)

07-06-2014, 05:24 AM
To name another Augur Shells (fired by a Leman Russ variant, [The one from Armoured Battle Group, in the Forge World book: Imperial Armour Volume One, Second Edition] I believe it is Str 8 AP 3, Get's Hot! and if it penetrates roll a D6, on a 4+ the armour value of that side goes down by 1.) gets a sudo Entropic strike and can permanently lower the armour value for a vehicle... except in this specific case because of the Invincible Behemoth rule.

John Bower
07-06-2014, 06:02 AM
I just got the Imperial Knights codex and I was a little confused on the invincible behemoth rule. It states "any attacks or special abilities that permanently lower the armor value of a target vehicle do not affect a super-heavy walker. Note that attacks or abilities that count the armor value as being lower, but do not actually change it, work normally." First of all what kind of attacks permanently lower the armor value for a vehicle? Secondly, how does the interpretation on lance weapons work? Are they in the second category of the rule?

Entropic Strike from the Necrons permanently lowers the AV of a target. :) That won't work on Supers. Lances don't so will work. So your large overpowering Baneblade for example becomes AV12 against DE or Eldar, but is unaffected by Necrons. :)

edt: But stay Away from Aquilas with the Macro Cannon - they hurt. Ask my Stompa 'Stompy' about that. :) Double tap D weapon and it rolled 6 and I think a 4 or 5 before the D's got nerfed. 9 HP's gone in a single shooting attack; and it took out a Bastion into the bargain.