View Full Version : Will Space Wolves special characters get the Codex: Orks treatment?

The Sovereign
07-05-2014, 12:08 PM
So the rumor mill indicates Wolves are next, which got me thinking, what if their non-HQ special characters get pushed to the HQ section in the new codex, a la Orks?

I'm not really a fan of Zagstruk getting moved to an HQ slot, and I certainly wouldn't want the same to happen to Arjac or Lukas, but it looks more and more likely. Would this be a good thing or a bad thing?

07-05-2014, 12:25 PM
My guess is that they will continue this format despite complaints for at least the first several books before they completely toss it all overboard. Dark Eldar are certainly going to suffer if they continue to axe characters they don't have models for, though they don't really have anything you purchase as a unit upgrade either. The ork book is so poorly writen, and so bland that I can't see them continuing a trend like this for very long.

Path Walker
07-05-2014, 01:34 PM
I love the Ork book, I like Zagstuck being a HQ too, Characters should generally be HQs if they're leading, which Zagstruck does. And he's great in the Vulta Squad Formation, leading a 45 Ork mob of Stormboyz.

I can't see Lukas being a HQ, same as Snikrot isn't. The new format takes some getting used to and it works much better as an interactive ebook than the previous ones

07-05-2014, 09:47 PM
Probably, looking at the ork Dex something you see is the removal of foc slot shifting. With virtually every unit now scoring, and the ability to go unbound, the need to do that isn't there anymore.

Like the ork Dex there will probably be a new foc that gives bonuses other then objective secured, its possible that foc will allow a ton of HQs...

07-05-2014, 09:47 PM
I would love to be able to move Arjac around from Squad to squad as needed. Plus, if I spend the points for him, it might be nice not to have to spend anymore on an actual HQ model.