View Full Version : Ork Mek with Kombi Skorcha

Alexander Wilson
07-04-2014, 09:42 AM
After the new codex release and the getting rid of Wazdakka has kinda screwed my boar riders, and with the amount of guns I used on them has kinda left me with no guns left xD.
After looking at the new Ork book, I made myself a new decently themed list, but it required me to convert a couple meks, just to fill in some gaps. I love my skorchas and the new lil' mek guy gives me a skorcha and can repair the transports for only 25points, so not bad.
But I still had no guns xD.
So I've turned from converting orks to converting guns xD out of anything I find in my bitz box.
So here he is, tired to get a couple close ups of the weapon.

Anyone wana give it ago at identifying afew of the parts there? ;)

I have also converted another but will upload once he's painted!

07-04-2014, 11:01 AM
I see one of the spare boxes of bolter ammo from a Devastator squad, a Cadian's flamer backpack, some of a chainblade Choppa, and the guts of the gun appear to be one of the spares from the Dakkajet?

Alexander Wilson
07-04-2014, 05:20 PM
Correct for the most part DWest.
However the guts are part of the same big choppa as the chainblade choppa you identified. The barrel and power box are from the Blackreach deffkopta.
The next mek with the skorcha kombi, I put much less effort into xD but he still passes for what hes suppost to be, a lil' 25 point guy that stands out.