View Full Version : What new completely different army would you like to play?

Lost Vyper
07-04-2014, 01:12 AM

If you had LOADS of monies laying around and your wife/husband suddenly asked you to invest more money in to your hobby (:p), what COMPLETELY different army would you like to have?

Fe. I play Eldar and my second army is Dark Eldar. My son has CSM (which was my first army ever too) and the Orks. I play the Orks occasionally, when my son is up for a game (mainly the rules just get in the way of his fun play :D).

That would be the army, i would like to play, if i had a chance to get a new, completely painted and fully kitted army with a snap of my fingers...that would be a whole new style of playing, no more hiding and relying on speed, just going for it and get in to opponents face! I think i have to get the new Orks -codex sometime in the future and have a go at it at our FLGC.

What army would you choose and why?

- Lost Vyper

07-04-2014, 01:33 AM
I love the models, I love the fluff, I love the view of a horde of chitin and claws.

And then GW showed me that Tyranids is not about that what I read in the books but about a few flying kaiju with firearms.

07-04-2014, 02:19 AM
I'm with Charon. Nids for me. I've got a few models lying around somewhere, but have never collected a fully fledged Nid army.

Lost Vyper
07-04-2014, 02:35 AM
Your main armies are (ATM)?

07-04-2014, 03:25 AM
Eldar/Dark Eldar. Chaos remains shelved until proper codex.

07-04-2014, 04:17 AM
My current army is AM. I also have a small GK force. If money was no object...

I'd probably go back to what drew me in in the first place. Marines (sorry!). The first proper army I owned was an EPIC (2nd ed.) Blood Angel army. Loved the red paint job etc.

This time around, I'd still probably go with BA. But I'd start with a full on battle company, with a thunderhawk, 2 warhounds, and so on, just like my old EPIC army!

Edit: In fact. Sod it! I work, I earn a (mediocre) wage. I'm going to start a new project! I think i'll start small though!

Path Walker
07-04-2014, 04:29 AM
I've bought enough for a small Chaos Marine force, assembled most of the models, but I can't decide on a scheme, I'd like them to be renegades turned in the last few hundred years and use the 100 odd Necromunda models I have as cultists, but I've not been grabbed by a colour scheme yet

07-04-2014, 07:38 AM
For Imperium choices, I'd go with Pre-Heresy/Heresy (aka 30k) 6th Legion/Space Wolves.

With a Thunderhawk as center point, 5+ Anvillius Drop pods, 2 or 3 Kharabydis pods, a squad of Predators, and tons of infantry to fill out the rest. They would mostly be Mark II and III, as that's my favorite style, and would probably end up around 3,000 points. My first army when getting into 40k was Space Wolves, love the fluff behind them and their independent attitude towards the Imperium and its workings.

As far as Xenos goes, I would love to do a Harlequin or Saim Hainn force, with Jetbikes, Vypers, Grav Tanks, etc... The army would be completely mobile, something Orks (the main faction I play) and Grey knights can't do well. Even with Bikerz/transports, the Eldar are still superior at shifting around the battlefield.

Lost Vyper
07-04-2014, 07:53 AM
the Eldar are still superior at shifting around the battlefield.

What he said...:)

07-04-2014, 07:57 AM
My main armies that I still own are Grey Knights, Marines and Eldar. I've played Orks, Tau and guard over the years as well though.

07-04-2014, 11:48 AM
As of right now the armies I currently play are Orks(nobz), dark eldar, death guard(30k terminators), death company, world eaters, sanguinary guard, eldar, justicarians(30k), tzeentch daemons, grey knights( drago wing), tau (all suits).

I'm toying with the idea of building an all inquisitor army that is only different types of inquisitor and assassin's.

Darren Richardson
07-04-2014, 04:21 PM
If money was no object and they came already painted to a high standard, Then I would want a full chapter of Space Marines, complete with Thuderhawks for the troops and the transporters for the tanks, storm ravens, and all varients, you know A FULL Chapter going to war, and I would want the in the Salamanders chapters, all with FW's shoulderpads and accessories on everything!

Of course that's just a pipe dream......

As for my armies I have at present, about a full battle company of space marines which I am customising for Red Templars, just need the tanks to complete it...

Oh and a small force of Traitor Marines, those DV ones arn't to bad, got the DA's from that set too.....

Lord Krungharr
07-04-2014, 04:26 PM
If I had the dough, and the time, I'd want a 30k Mechanicum army with all those neat automata and what-nots. Armies of abhuman races would be neat too, Squats, Zoats, Space Slann, not sure what they'd count as but would be very different and weird!

07-05-2014, 02:28 AM
Dark Eldar assuming they are at least slightly balanced.

John Bower
07-05-2014, 04:38 AM
Daemons; they and Tau are pretty much the only armies I don't have (not counting Pups or BA's as both Marines) and I can't stand the Tau.

07-05-2014, 08:04 AM
If money was no object and they came already painted to a high standard, Then I would want a full chapter of Space Marines, complete with Thuderhawks for the troops and the transporters for the tanks, storm ravens, and all varients, you know A FULL Chapter going to war, and I would want the in the Salamanders chapters, all with FW's shoulderpads and accessories on everything!

I'm getting pretty close to finishing my own actually. Except for all the thunderhawks :S That's a bit too pricey for me.

Mud Duck
07-05-2014, 01:46 PM
I've bought enough for a small Chaos Marine force, assembled most of the models, but I can't decide on a scheme, I'd like them to be renegades turned in the last few hundred years and use the 100 odd Necromunda models I have as cultists, but I've not been grabbed by a colour scheme yet

Paint them up as different Chapters and overcoat with a light coat of grey or black?

Tyranids I think. The idea of metric butt loads of creepy crawlies overwhelming everything in its path, like driver ants, just calls to something in my hindbrain.

07-06-2014, 09:27 PM
I'm used to my Imperial Guard and my first army was the Tau, but I really like the idea of having a 'Nid army.
Something about hordes of space alien dinosaur bug things just really appeals to me. They're the quintessential "evil" force in any sort of fictional setting and that really appeals to me

07-07-2014, 07:32 AM
A lot of people wanting to start Tyranids on this thread. Poor unfortunate souls must be tired of winning and having fun.

Odds are, if I had the money, I would be more likely to try and redo my Dark Elves or Lizardmen than try to do 40k. At least Fantasy has the nerve to straight-up tell you that you will lose 200 man-hours of painting that ginormous infantry blob to some stupid OP magic spell. 40k likes to pretend that melee matters when in actuality half your lovingly-painted army is gonna' wind up up disintegrated by the bottom of turn 2, and that's if things are going really well.

If money were absolutely no object whatsoever, I'd go IG. Because of course I'd go IG if money were no option. They're the most expensive army out there. $100 can almost get you a minimum-sized Troops choice. And don't even get me started on Forge World.

07-07-2014, 07:42 AM
Was pondering this recently.

I currently have Tau and a VERY custom Space Wolves army.

But if money was no object, I would create a combat biased White Scars bike army.

None of this cheap Relentless/Grav Gun/Hit & Run rubbish - I am talking a full on rush to combat force with power lances and storm shields on Command Squads to denote them as true Knights. But rather than bikes I would use Thunderwolves.

That and an all Walker Apoc army with nothing but Contemptors, Dreadnoughrts and Sentinels with an Imperial Knight or two, but everything would be HUGELY converted

07-07-2014, 07:59 AM
Always thought Necrons looked fun. Undying, soulless robots with superior technology? Sounds good.

I'd also like to start an Inquisition force with Sisters of Battle, an Ordo Malleus Inquisitor and some Grey Knights. Possibly an Inquisition-aligned Imperial Knight as a centrepiece.

07-07-2014, 08:37 AM
Full blown titan legion.

07-07-2014, 09:23 AM
For me it would have to be buying and converting up a space lizardmen army. It's been a dream of mine since I was 9. I still have no idea what codex I would have it count as.

07-07-2014, 10:07 AM
My main armies are BA and SW. The army I have been thinking and wanting to start is Orks. Lots of randomness and lots of opportunities for conversions and craziness, plus its not power armour!

07-07-2014, 10:41 AM
Dark Eldar and Slaanesh Daemons

My current Sisters are starting to get dull after so many years with nothing new. The newest Imp Guard book didn't really bring anything new and exciting to the table for me so that army is shelved as well.

Grey Knights are still fun but listening to people whine about how powerful your unit is, even though you only have 1/3rd the models on the table, gets old.

07-07-2014, 05:18 PM
Vahallan attrition army. No tanks, no aircraft, no ifvs, no walkers, no arty, no ogryn, no hobbits, no glory boys. Just mass infantry and the commissars to stand at the back and push..

07-07-2014, 06:42 PM
Since I play Tau, Nids, GKs, Sisters, and guard... I guess a different flavour would be.... dark eldar? Yeah, I'm down with that! I always had respect for DE players as they bring such an amazing glass cannon of an army.

Da Gargoyle
07-10-2014, 01:40 AM
I started with Orks and switched to Eldar when the last codex first came out. I recently picked up a Tau army from a store that is selling out its stock so I got a goodly number of units at a 15% discount. Now I am going to see if those ideas for Tau will work, though it looks like I will need some reading to max the shooting capacity.

The Herald of Corrosion
07-10-2014, 04:56 PM

If you had LOADS of monies laying around and your wife/husband suddenly asked you to invest more money in to your hobby (:p), what COMPLETELY different army would you like to have?

Fe. I play Eldar and my second army is Dark Eldar. My son has CSM (which was my first army ever too) and the Orks. I play the Orks occasionally, when my son is up for a game (mainly the rules just get in the way of his fun play :D).

That would be the army, i would like to play, if i had a chance to get a new, completely painted and fully kitted army with a snap of my fingers...that would be a whole new style of playing, no more hiding and relying on speed, just going for it and get in to opponents face! I think i have to get the new Orks -codex sometime in the future and have a go at it at our FLGC.

What army would you choose and why?

- Lost Vyper

I'd probably choose Orks for the same reason that I chose Iron Warriors...loads o' dakka.

07-10-2014, 09:13 PM
I currently play Astra Militarum and nothing else.

If I had the money, I'd get into either Chaos or Orks. Orks are fun. The models are wacky, and I'd get to say things like "WAAAAGH!" and "Oi!" all the time. Chaos have some amazing models, and I'd get to be a hand-wringing, maniacally cackling villain. MWAHAHAHA!

07-10-2014, 10:05 PM
If money was no object, I would a new ork army and be all smashing in the face with it since I normally play shooty armies.

07-10-2014, 10:19 PM
Honestly, probably the same armies I'm considering starting next right now: Imperial Fists or Space Wolves either of which I'm planning to set up to swap between 30K and 40K.

My biggest dilemma right now isn't the money aspect, though that's always a consideration. I've been pondering storage lately. It's tough to justify moving around and storing armies that I'm not actively playing. I might wind up getting some display cases or something to at least have the ability to look at the finished models. Just something to ponder I suppose.

07-11-2014, 07:15 AM
I play Space Marines, Necrons and Grey Knights. I have two twin toddler-aged daughters, and I think I would like to get into sisters so they would have some characters that look like them when they get older.


07-11-2014, 09:44 AM
I have a goal to someday own at least a small effective force for each army. I currently have Guard, Nids, Crons, Orks, and then some one off model kits (tac marines, fire warriors). I've been trying to decide on my next project, and I'm thinking either Eldar, Dark Eldar, or Tau. The Eldar races I just find really interesting fluff wise, and I like the whole specialist combat style they seem to have with all the aspect warriors. Tau I just really want an excuse to have a Riptide lying around, as I like the model, and who doesn't like big robots?

07-11-2014, 09:59 AM
I've had the same idea of having a small effective force of at least several factions. Also opens up variety for others to sample, hey don't have an eldar force but want to try one? I have it here play against me with it! At least that was my idea I'm sure when rubber meets road my ideas will change heh.

07-11-2014, 07:04 PM
We'll make it orky!
That, or Blood Angels.

07-11-2014, 07:42 PM
A mixture of Grey Knights and Nurgle Chaos Demons/SM