View Full Version : New player looking to make a start

07-02-2014, 01:38 PM
Hi all, after playing warhammer and 40k for the best part of a decade now I have been looking at making a move toward a different game system. Luckily at uni some of my friends are thinking of starting warmachine/hordes in the new academic year, as such I thought it would be a good chance to try out a new system, even though I have no experience with any privateer press games. After asking my friends and browsing the site I found out that I am going to be up against protectorate, khador and a couple of everblight from what I have been told by friends but I'm looking at getting a Retribution of Scyrah army.

To put it simply, what would be the best way to start of well in terms of buying models, playstyle ect.?

07-03-2014, 12:55 AM
The starter box is nice. A Phoenix jack is used more but the manticore is the second best of that chassis.
An Arcanist will be in every list because it supports jacks so well. Kaelyssa is in the starter other good casters are epic vyros, issyria, rahn, and ravyn. They have depth but are pretty easy to use.
Melee units you have sentinels, halberdiers, and infiltrators. All need their ua's in fact all of ret loves their ua's rifleman it isn't' necessary. Basically sents (hits harder and remains a threat) and halberdiers (longer threat range will hit hard but have less staying power they want their solo also making them 11) are the two main Melee groups. I prefer sents but halberdiers have their place. Ranged units you have Magehunter strike force, Invictors, and rifleman first two need UA's rifleman need their solo.
The new character jack imperatus is amazing.

Solo wise eiryiss is in faction but a merc. You will want her epic version more. Her prime version is great vs warcasters (warmachine) EEiryiss (EpicEiryiss) is more useful all around. Magehunter assassins are great solos but it really depends how well you roll. They are one of the most dice dependent attacks in the game but also powerful. Houseguard thane is what riflemen and halberdiers both want.

Now things you do not want to buy gorgon, destors(the unit not solo), nayl, dawnguard scyir, and heavy rifle team. Either rules interactions or cost make them pretty useless.

07-03-2014, 02:47 AM
Thanks for the tips Poseidon, when it comes to army building, what kind of total points is a good starter for warmachine? because once I know that I can make a start on planning an army (got to love battlescribe) and possibly getting some models

07-03-2014, 08:55 AM
Honestly, my opinion would be to go to the Privateer site and download their journeyman league rules and either purchase the standing battle box, or purchase the alternate battlebox they list on that rule list, that way you can play starter games, and they are created so you can start and play in leagues if one would start.

07-03-2014, 11:09 AM
Where abouts on their site is the league rules, I have had a look and cant really find it :confused:

07-04-2014, 10:35 AM
I found the league rules, they look good, I will just have to sort out things with my friends with the idea of a league. As for now I have been researching a few things and came up with a 35 point force that could probably do with some improvement, here it is:

Kaelyssa, Night's Whisper

Mage Hunter Assassin x2

House Shyeel Battle Mages (6)
Mage Hunter Strike Force (10) with ua

Griffon x2

07-06-2014, 11:49 PM
Points wise 35 or 50 are what you will see most people play. Europe is a little different with the 42 point variation games. (Believing the game to be the most balanced at that point) basically the middle of 35 and 50. Now battlebox games are great way to start learning the mechanics of the game.
Generally ret wants one maybe 2 jacks. Excluding Vyros2 because he loves light warjacks. We have some of the best infantry and solos in the game.