View Full Version : Which way to go for Eldar Wraithblades?

Lost Vyper
07-02-2014, 07:40 AM
Swords or the Axe and Shield?

Have you had experiences with both? Or one of these, any success?

- Lost Vyper

07-02-2014, 11:00 AM
as someone whose faced against the unit, the Axe and Shield combo is more frighting to see. The axes ignore even Mega-Armour on Ghaz/Nobz, or my Paladins/Terminators, while the shield is a good back up to the 3+ armor save. The unit has higher than average toughness, so the loss of Initiative doesn't impact the unit severely. The swords only give you +1 attack I believe, so the Axe n' Shield will give you more bang for your buck. Although style wise, the Swords offer some better modeling opportunities, you could pose them in a Harlequin/Howling Banshee form.

Lost Vyper
07-02-2014, 11:48 AM
I like the idea of the Sword & shield more intimidating too...4+ invl. is NEVER a bad thing...

07-02-2014, 02:47 PM
Sword & shield
Not sure if mistype or just "screw the rules, it looks freakin' sweet!"

Mr Mystery
07-02-2014, 02:56 PM
I think I'd favour the Axe and Shield too.

Eldar don't have that many units which can tackle say, Terminators in hand to hand combat and survive. It's essentially the Wraith units that are your go to guys.

Wraithlords are an odd little unit these days, as although still pretty tough, they don't shine as much compared to plakky Wraithguard, or it's newer, bigger, sexier sister, the Wraithknight.

Wraithknight itself is fairly wasted tackling squads of Terminators and their ilk, and needs to keep mobile so it can pick on it's prime prey.

So the Wraithblades are probably your go-to-guys for anti Terminator duty. The axes let them cut through any armour (including tanks in a pinch!), and that Invulernable save complements your T6 very nicely!

07-02-2014, 03:21 PM
If you are ever trying to tackle terminators with wraithblades you should stop playing eldar.
There are tons of weapons in the arsenal that can deal with them from range, you dont have to suicide an expensive unit.
Quick numbers: Both attack on same initative, both have the same weapon skill, both wound on 2+ both ignore armor, both have a 5++.
Terminators have more Attacks and the stormshield option which confers a 3++, while wraithblades are 12 points cheaper.
In this case: do yourself a favor and get WraithGUARD to dispose of terminators safely. Even if you go for D-Scythes you are cheaper and your "wall of flame" is devastating.

For all other purposes: get them swords. You will need the Spiritseer in the unit anyways which can come with shrouded. Their S is high enough and you dont want to attack most AR 2+ units anyways. So you need the extra attacks (1 attack is pretty low for an expensive melee only unit) which also can get buffed by the spiritseer.

07-02-2014, 03:27 PM
Even if you go for D-Scythes you are cheaper

I'm sorry, that's the opposite of true.

Wraithguard and Wraithblades have the same base cost, but D-Scythes are the only upgrade that costs anything.

07-02-2014, 05:26 PM
Also they have a 4++

Wraithguard are indeed better at pretty much everything though.

Still, of the two options I would say axe/shield is better. It at least provides something not found elsewhere in the army, not that it's of much use.

07-02-2014, 11:38 PM
I'm sorry, that's the opposite of true.

Wraithguard and Wraithblades have the same base cost, but D-Scythes are the only upgrade that costs anything.

D-Scythes cost points, true but you are still cheaper than terminators (which was the point of saying they are cheaper)

Lost Vyper
07-03-2014, 12:52 AM
Not sure if mistype or just "screw the rules, it looks freakin' sweet!"

:) LOL...yep, mistyped...

07-16-2014, 09:00 AM
I have loved wraith guard and blades for as long as I have known they have existed, However from personal experience your friends hate them, and after a while by extension they will hate you, they will say the words death star multiple times in few sentences and they will roll there eyes when you roll your psychic powers.

Farseer + Spiritseer + Wraithblades with Axe's = Deathstar!

07-16-2014, 09:45 AM
Does it even qualify as a deathstar? Maybe if you include an Archon with a shadowfield/huskblade? What other units are you running?

07-16-2014, 09:50 AM
when it has a re-roll on a 2+/4+ a lot of opponents just wont understand that its not a Deathstar by comparison to the uber Deathstar's, then you add a Forgeworld Wraithseer to give them FnP

07-16-2014, 09:54 AM
when it has a re-roll on a 2+/4+ a lot of opponents just wont understand that its not a Deathstar by comparison to the uber Deathstar's, then you add a Forgeworld Wraithseer to give them FnP

:p FnP from the Wraithseer is a sweet add on... I've only managed to roll fortune once over a dozen games. I think invisibility would actually be a far nastier power to get off on the unit under the current rules. I would definitely go for the axe and shield over the swords. The 4++ is much needed as most things that get past the toughness also ignore the 3+.

07-16-2014, 01:11 PM
I'd go with the swords. They look cooler, and swords are more elegant than axes, so feel more Eldar to me.