View Full Version : 1250 Astras Blitzkrieg army

07-02-2014, 04:13 AM
40K Army: Imperial Guard
I wanted a heavy armour list that would not act as the regular heavy gun line. So no sponsons on the Leman russ and no defence line etc. I want the list to be competitive but enjoyable to use/play against. I will be employing proper blitzkrieg tactics, moving armour in conjunction with airpower and artillery. So here it is:


-Pask-punisher (las cannon upgrade)

Pimaris psycher (with vets) level 2 upgrade
Enginseer (with vets)


-Vets, 3x plasma, chimera
-Vets, 2xmelta, h'flamer

Fast Attack

Heavy Support
2 x Wyvern

Question, is the primaris a waste of points? Him and the Enginseer will be riding with a vet squad each but he'll be in a transport so that'll effect the powers he can use. If I was to lose him I'd upgrade the executioner to a demolisher and give the Enginseer some serviters so he's more likely to get repair rolls (he can ride in the vendetta and parachute in to perform repairs).

What do you think?

07-02-2014, 04:55 AM
I have no clue about Astra tacticals, but I Like the blitzkrieg aspect and would love tot play against a list Like that.

07-02-2014, 05:26 AM
hmmm... could really use a cheap platoon at minimum strength, to hold your backfield (with your Wyvrens), then put the platoon command squad in the vendetta.

Could get the points by changing the Executioner, ap2 isn't going to be that helpful at these low points. Maybe that ignores cover 6str ap4 tank? Its really cheap.

That or the Psyker, he can only cast whitchfires from a transport. So he can't buff anything.

And, as tactics go, if your blitzing, the chimera vets probably will be spending most of their time going fast, so they'd be forced to snap fire. If you treat them like kamikazes, you could save some points by making them regular infantry, equipping them with melta bombs and flamers. pass the savings to for another tank, maybe swapping one of the cheaper ones for a demolisher. or making a Wyvren a Manticore. I like str 10!

IDK, I'm projecting my list on to you at this point :P

07-02-2014, 10:34 AM
I hear what you're saying about the foot sloggers but I was excited by the prospect of all tank. Plus the long term aim is 2000 points, by adding two knights. Mostly for the painting opportunity

Tanks and knights! What's not to like.

07-02-2014, 11:09 AM
I have no clue about Astra tacticals, but I Like the blitzkrieg aspect and would love to play against a list Like that.

It does have to cool factor! May just lose horribly, or gloriously...

This Dave
07-02-2014, 12:29 PM
Having just one Psyker doesn't help a whole lot in 7th. I would lose him and buy other troops or upgrade the tanks. With Guard more is always better!

I would switch the Executioner for a Demolisher. You still get the big boom but no chance of damaging yourself.

Even with Pask I'm not a terribly large fan of Punishers. He does get more hits but you'll still only get maybe three Rending hits so Marines or most vehicles will just ignore it. He will probably work best in the Vanquisher as BS 4 and rerolling hits with that will make vehicles go away.

One thing in an armor heavy list like this is that your vets will suffer shooting from everything in the enemy army that can't hurt a tank. And Chimeras aren't that tough to crack open. You might want to buy them Grenadiers for the heavier armor to give them some survivability. They may also have morale problems as it's not that tough to force a check on a small unit like them. If you're going to do anything other than lurk in the back with them you might look into trading the Enginseer for a Lord Commissar to help with leadership issues.

07-02-2014, 01:32 PM
Version 2

Pask-quisher (+las)
Lord commissar

1. Vets, grenadiers, 3xplasma, chimera - 185
2. Vets, grenadiers, 2xmelta, h'flamed, chimera -170

Fast attack

Vendetta - 170


1. Punisher -140
2. 2x Wyvern - 130


Still tempted by the Enginseer with so many tanks around.

What do you think?

This Dave
07-02-2014, 04:07 PM
Version 2

Pask-quisher (+las)
Lord commissar

1. Vets, grenadiers, 3xplasma, chimera - 185
2. Vets, grenadiers, 2xmelta, h'flamed, chimera -170

Fast attack

Vendetta - 170


1. Punisher -140
2. 2x Wyvern - 130


Still tempted by the Enginseer with so many tanks around.

What do you think?

That looks pretty good. An Enginseer can be a good thing but he would have to be on foot to keep near the tanks so he would be a target. Putting him in with the Vets or on the Vendetta both keeps him away from the vehicles when they might need him or make you divert another unit to get him close enough which could cause its own problems.

07-03-2014, 12:33 AM
I may swap over the punisher and demolisher, use the punisher to keep them pesky dark Eldar etc at bay. Give the demolisher a little more freedom too.

Now I have to buy, build and paint the list :)