View Full Version : Knights

07-01-2014, 09:43 PM
Ok, I started getting a few knights at the end of 6th beginning of 7th. M view was of using them as a primary detachment for coolness balue and base them off of a dark cult from my old D&D world.
Using them (used 2 in one game but beyond that, only one (I refuse to play the 3rd till I get it painted), Ive had mixed results so far.
How are people faring with them in th edition?
Anyone use 3+ of them in an army as a primary detachment?
What do you find to be the best allies to use with them? I've tried grey knights and guard.

07-02-2014, 03:21 AM
Ok, I started getting a few knights at the end of 6th beginning of 7th. M view was of using them as a primary detachment for coolness balue and base them off of a dark cult from my old D&D world.
Using them (used 2 in one game but beyond that, only one (I refuse to play the 3rd till I get it painted), Ive had mixed results so far.
How are people faring with them in th edition?
Anyone use 3+ of them in an army as a primary detachment?
What do you find to be the best allies to use with them? I've tried grey knights and guard.

I am a CSM player so I haven't used them but I have fought against them extensively. Three of them are very powerful, but most of us have adapted to kill them. Their lack of Skyfire makes them sitting ducks against anything in the air with AP-2 or AP-1 Weaponry. I tend to kill them with Obliterators, Melta Guns, and Be'Lakor (or one of several other Armourbane options). Don't get me wrong, they are immensely powerful lists and will make MANY people you play miserable, i.e. the people who have not built to fight them. It is kind of an all or nothing deal.

Allen Broussard
07-02-2014, 06:16 AM
Biggest thing you'll learn when you start using them is that they arent invincible in melee. Take advantage of the paladin's shooting range and sit back for first 3 turns at least.

The Errant needs to get a bit closer for maximum dmg output, so if you take 3 make the errant your warlord for the 3+ ion shielding.

07-02-2014, 12:13 PM
ive used one, once. against someone who had never faced one before. the thing was ridiculously strong and pretty much won the game for me. i just kept making saves so he couldnt kill it.