View Full Version : First attempt at 30k! 1850 Iron Warriors

06-28-2014, 08:15 AM
Right, After yesterday asking about 30K, I sat down and wrote an 1850 list featuring Iron Warriors! (Not many of the "Exclusive" Iron Warrior units since well, they don't seem that useful yet.) I was wondering what people though! I tried to keep the flavour of Iron Warriors and was wondering how I did!
(Funnily, this list gives me the "Hammer of Olympia" rite of war, which means every vehicle has access to the "Extra Armour" upgrade for no extra cost!)

HQ - Legion Warsmith - 170 Pts.
- Catraphacti Terminator Armour
+ Paragon Blade
+ Digital Weapons
+ Combi Bolter

HQ - Command Squad - 265 Pts.
4 Space Marine Chosen in Catraphacti Terminator Armour
1 Standard Bearer in Catraphacti Terminator Armour
+ Reaper Autocannon
+ 2 Powerfists
+ 2 Lightning Claws
+ 4 Combi Bolters

Elite Choice 1 - Apothicareon Detachment - 120 pts.
2 Apothecariess
+ 2 Augary Scanners
+ 2 Artificer Armour
Elite Choice 2 - Rapier Weapons Battery - 120 Pts.
2 Rapier Carriers
+ 2 Quad Mortars

Troops Choice 1 - Legion Tactical Squad - 170 pts.
9 Tactical Space Marines
1 Sergeant
+ Nuncio Vox
+ Artificer Armour

Troops Choice 2 - Legion Tactical Squad - 170 pts.
9 Tactical Space Marines
1 Sergeant
+ Nuncio Vox
+ Artificer Armour

Troops Choice 3 - Iron Havoc Support Squad - 185 pts.
4 Iron Havocs
1 Sergeant
+ 4 Autocannons

Fast Attack Choice 1 - Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter - 195 pts.
+ 2 Twin Linked Missle Launchers
+ Ground Tracking Auguries

Heavy Support Choice 1 - Legion Whirlwind Scorpius - 115pts.

Heavy Support Choice 2 - Legion Whirlwind Scorpius - 115pts.

Heavy Support Choice 3 - Legion Artillery Tank Squadron - 225pts.
3 Legion Whirldwinds


HQ - Legion Warsmith - 170 Pts.
- Catraphacti Terminator Armour
+ Paragon Blade
+ Digital Weapons
+ Combi Bolter

Elite Choice 1 - Apothicareon Detachment - 120 pts.
2 Apothecariess
+ 2 Augary Scanners
+ 2 Artificer Armour

Elite Choice 2 - Legion Terminator Squad - 200 pts.
4 Terminators
1 Terminator Sergeant
+ Catraphacti Armour
+ 3 Lightning Claws
+ 2 Power Fists

Troops Choice 1 - Legion Tactical Squad - 260 pts.
19 Tactical Space Marines
1 Sergeant
+ Nuncio Vox
+ Artificer Armour

Troops Choice 2 - Legion Tactical Squad - 260 pts.
19 Tactical Space Marines
1 Sergeant
+ Nuncio Vox
+ Artificer Armour

Troops Choice 3 - Iron Havoc Support Squad - 185 pts.
4 Iron Havocs
1 Sergeant
+ 4 Autocannons

Fast Attack Choice 1 - Primaris Lightning Strike Fighter - 195 pts.
+ 2 Twin Linked Missle Launchers
+ Ground Tracking Auguries

Heavy Support Choice 1 - Legion Whirlwind Scorpius - 115pts.

Heavy Support Choice 2 - Legion Whirlwind Scorpius - 115pts.

Heavy Support Choice 3 - Legion Artillery Tank Squadron - 225pts.
3 Legion Whirldwinds

07-05-2014, 10:20 AM
I am going to take everyone's silence that my lists are amazing and I will be winning every tournament I go to with it! :)