View Full Version : HabitRPG

06-27-2014, 10:26 PM
I'm wondering if any other people on BoLS have heard of or use this nifty little site. HabitRPG (https://habitrpg.com/) is, as the name suggests, a way of turning your life into a simple pixelated RPG in the hopes of encouraging good habits and discouraging bad. You fill in the tasks so it's customisable to your life, and you can start slowly. As you complete things you get rewards like gold that you can use to buy armour and weapons for your character, and random drops like pets or stuff to make special mounts. If you're on a quest, successfully doing good things will give you a chance of finding quest items or will inflict damage on the boss monster that you're fighting.

Tasks are split into 3 categories. Habits are things that you might do repeatedly, like taking the stairs instead of the lift. Habits can also be bad and take health from your character when you do them, so you can use it for things like trying to quit smoking. Dailies are tasks that you want to do every day or on scheduled days and again, loss of health happens if you neglect them, but you get rewards for completion. To-Dos are just what they sound like, a list of things (with optional checklists) that get progressively redder as the days go by to let you know you've been putting them off.

The gamification is well done. I've been thinking of setting up a Guild on it for people playing tabletop wargames, and it's possible to make special challenges people can sign up for that gives a common set of tasks and a prize at the end that would work well for things like getting a group to build and paint models for an escalation challenge. Certainly an easier format to do it than, say, a forum, because you can see at a glance who has finished what tasks. If anyone is considering poking around now is a good time because a global event has just started and you can buy fancy pirate or mermaid themed armour and be ready to join in some atlantis-style quests. If anyone has questions or is interested in the guild idea please let me know. :)