View Full Version : Las/Dual-Plas Razorback

Akkon Sek
01-18-2010, 01:45 PM
Trying out a smallish (500pt) vanilla marine force, and the concept of the 'antiquated' Las/Plas Razorback struck a chord with me. Several interwebz searches later, I am more than a bit surprised to find there isn't a hell of a lot of chatter about this particular variant. Stared at a blank Rhino for a while, and came up with this...


Simple, but I'm pleased with the result. I'd like to see what others have come up with. So if you have a pic, care to share?

And out of curiosity: folks just not using this variant? Seems to be a great compromise between the armor hunter and wall-of-lead options. Not so one-trick-pony. Is the general consensus that the Assault Cannon is just that much better?


Edit - slightly higher quality shot here: http://ceramite.blogspot.com/2010/01/green-stuff-sucks-forlorn-razorback.html

01-18-2010, 01:45 PM
Hey that is pretty cool. :D

The turret is a bit large for it but it still works.

Good job.

Lord Inquisitor
01-18-2010, 03:45 PM
Wow thats actually really cool especially were the plasma rifles are.

01-18-2010, 03:45 PM
Like the conversion - I think the turret is appropriate for such a heavy combo (if it is good enough for a solitary autocannon - then it is perfect for las plas)

- I don't have a codex to hand but I believe that they are the stonos razorbacks - I've got three of the original models and I've tried to use them without any great success. I also saw the armament and thought - tanks, deep striking terminators and marines beware and all those guns for so cheap. Mine kept on dying without accounting for anything - aggressive rhinos seem to be more effective in my armies.

My current thinking is to keep one stronos in reserve with a dev or a tac squad-i.e. if I am leaving one tac sqaud guarding an objective.

Good luck - look forward to hearing of the best way to use this beast.

Akkon Sek
01-18-2010, 04:19 PM
Thanks guys. Looks as if ggg is dead on... I get a lot more hits for Stronos Pattern.

What's interesting is that a lot of the conversions I now see are a Lascannon and Twin-Linked Plasma Cannon, not Plasma Gun. Eesh... that's wicked.

However, the codex entry clearly states Plasma Gun. So unfortunately, it would appear those are not accurate.

01-18-2010, 05:27 PM
I like the conversion, but as has been pointed out, they are not all that effective in game. I have found the extra 30 points are almost never worth it for how easily they die. The heavy guns makes them a threat, so a lot more effort will be put into destroying them, and they go down just like regular rhinos, but if they want to shoot they won't have the threat of speed and lots of guys in your face. I personally go with HB razors when I run them, as the 40 points is a bargain for a decent transport with a decent gun(especially with Nids about to shift the metagame).

01-18-2010, 09:44 PM
I think the profile of the tank (the actual sillouette, not the stat profile) is very true in keeping with the style of the old Las Plas razorback. Excellent work.

John M.

01-18-2010, 11:09 PM
i have a 3rd edition full sized rule book (got it from a freind) and they have a razorback with the stronos pattern in it it's on page 19 under a typical space marine army it dosen't say the weapons on the razorback but i can definatly tell that it's has a lascannon and 2 plasma guns in the picture it has the turret set up like the top mounted cannon on an AT-TE with the lascannon in the middle and the plasma guns on either side haha and back in 3rd edition it cost half the points for the same weapon load out compared to now in 5th edition but then again it starts out with 70 pts for the basic cost (the reason why i know this is because in 3rd they had the codex's basically in the rule book except really for the fluff and the army specific rules or atleast in much deatail

Akkon Sek
01-18-2010, 11:26 PM
i have a 3rd edition full sized rule book (got it from a freind) and they have a razorback with the stronos pattern in it it's on page 19 under a typical space marine army it dosen't say the weapons on the razorback but i can definatly tell that it's has a lascannon and 2 plasma guns in the picture it has the turret set up like the top mounted cannon on an AT-TE with the lascannon in the middle and the plasma guns on either side haha and back in 3rd edition it cost half the points for the same weapon load out compared to now in 5th edition but then again it starts out with 70 pts for the basic cost (the reason why i know this is because in 3rd they had the codex's basically in the rule book except really for the fluff and the army specific rules or atleast in much deatail


Not a single instance of punctuation. An astonishing feat, my friend. :)

While I agree having the plasma guns straddle the lascannon would look good as well, this was much simpler to accomplish. And the more I look, the more I like it myself. Reminiscent of the Russ Conquerer turret.

01-19-2010, 03:42 AM
i have a 3rd edition full sized rule book (got it from a freind) and they have a razorback with the stronos pattern in it it's on page 19 That's the old miniature for the razorback. And you can find plenty on those on the web.

Besides that, it's a nice rendition if a little bit too close to a sponson-less predator tho. I wonder if anyone did it with the new turret or by adapting the old open one.

Found a different take on the subject
(found here (http://www.dakkadakka.com/dakkaforum/posts/list/122789.page#124992))

Still too predator-y for me. :(

01-19-2010, 09:59 AM
I am surprised that the LC/PG razorback is not very well liked.
I often use a pair each carrying a 6man squad of Sternguard (2 PC+4 bolters with SP ammo).
I find using them on a flank really forces your opponent to change their plans.
I find them points expensive but effective.
They are not as good as the TLLC r'back but not bad.

01-19-2010, 03:39 PM

Not a single instance of punctuation. An astonishing feat, my friend. :)

While I agree having the plasma guns straddle the lascannon would look good as well, this was much simpler to accomplish. And the more I look, the more I like it myself. Reminiscent of the Russ Conquerer turret.

yeah srry about that i tend to not use punctuation but still it's a great idea that you had i don't think i cam up with that but any way it great but be care full that people don't mistake it for a preadator like what madness said but still thats the way you thought it was built and it's a great job and it's nice and easy to build for other people no hard ro confusing conversions

01-19-2010, 03:56 PM
I've got one of the old ones right here. Give me some time tonight and I can get a picture up.

01-19-2010, 08:30 PM
Both an old Razorback with LC/TLP and a new one with TLAC




(and a box of Girl Scout cookies. How did those get there? Will anyone be interested? ymmm, cookies)

01-20-2010, 03:53 AM
sadly not http://www.games-workshop.com/gws/catalog/productDetail.jsp?catId=cat1400010&prodId=prod1080099 just the HB and LC options are included. Although plenty of bitz sites will sell you the AC mount from the Land Raider Sprues

01-20-2010, 03:53 AM
Is the TLAC standard with the razorback kit?
I have'nt bought a new razorback for about 7 years.
If it comes with the TLAC I will need to buy a couple.

01-20-2010, 08:09 AM
I used the assault cannons from the ravenwing sprue, so I've got a few extras from my Ravenwing bike boxes I bought (and need 1 more of)