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View Full Version : How do you paint Cygnar using GW Paints?

01-18-2010, 07:48 AM
Hey guys,

I really love the rich blues that the Cygnar models have... however I don't want to go out and buy another paint system (I Have about 50pots of GW). Anyone know how to paint the same Cygnar blues using the GW paints?

Thanks a lot

01-18-2010, 08:39 AM
Hey guys,

I really love the rich blues that the Cygnar models have... however I don't want to go out and buy another paint system (I Have about 50pots of GW). Anyone know how to paint the same Cygnar blues using the GW paints?

Thanks a lot
This probably isn't the answer you want, but I do highly suggest you at least pick up the Cygnar Blue and Cygnar Blue Highlight from the P3 range. There really isn't any Citadel paint that is comparable, without a bit of mixing, and it still doesn't look as good.

Generally, I use both P3 and Citadel paints, and they're close (although I think the P3 paints are better). Unfortunately for you, the range of Blues is one of the areas where the difference is most visible.

01-18-2010, 01:28 PM
Where can i buy these my FLGS only caries citidel and reaper

01-18-2010, 01:45 PM
I personally suggest TheWarStore:


I get most of my Wargaming shopping done there, they cover the spectrum of Wargames and offer hefty discounts to boot.

01-19-2010, 07:25 AM
Thanks a lot, I was looking at picking up stuff peicemeal on ebay, but it looks like the prices are the same, Great help

01-19-2010, 08:16 AM
Thanks a lot, I was looking at picking up stuff peicemeal on ebay, but it looks like the prices are the same, Great help
The WarStore has great prices, but I would also mention that they've got fantastic customer service. Neal & Co. are great folks.

01-20-2010, 06:10 AM
While its true you can't get quite the same look, I've had a good deal of success with Mordian Blue as a base, built up with regal blue and then enchanted blue, with light highlights of ice blue. It will differ from the studio scheme, but it is a nice substitute of the Cygnar blue.

On the other hand, you could try for one of the various regiments of Cygnar, each with their own paint scheme. So long as the Cygnus is blue and gold, pretty much any color combination works based on the various heraldry and/of whim of the officers in the Cygnaran army.

01-20-2010, 02:08 PM
While its true you can't get quite the same look, I've had a good deal of success with Mordian Blue as a base, built up with regal blue and then enchanted blue, with light highlights of ice blue. It will differ from the studio scheme, but it is a nice substitute of the Cygnar blue.

On the other hand, you could try for one of the various regiments of Cygnar, each with their own paint scheme. So long as the Cygnus is blue and gold, pretty much any color combination works based on the various heraldry and/of whim of the officers in the Cygnaran army.

I'm pretty sure those are the colors I used to paint the crushed charger my epic Magnus is mounted on :D. With the exception that I've never tried Mordian Blue. Looked plenty cygnar to me.

01-21-2010, 03:51 AM
I'm pretty sure those are the colors I used to paint the crushed charger my epic Magnus is mounted on :D. With the exception that I've never tried Mordian Blue. Looked plenty cygnar to me.

Vile traitorous dog, disgracing the Cygnus in such a way ;)

The only reason I use the Mordian Blue is because I like a darker base, as I painted my Warjacks up like they'd just gotten a fresh coat of paint from their Vinter III era paintjobs. The newer warjacks like the Centurion chassis and its varients, as well as the Thunderhead, are painted up using Regal blue as the base, with enchanted blue and ice blue as highlights. The difference is in how bright you want the colors to be ;)

02-13-2010, 08:55 AM
I NEVER understood WHY people feel they HAVE TO paint models to look the same as they do in the manufacturer's books.

For crying out loud man, be unique, be different, make them YOURS and paint them colors you're comfortable with. When I had a cygnar army before, I opted for a darker blue that was more purple than anything, and it looked really nice that way too.

There's nothing saying they have to be totally blue tho. Khador don't have to be totally red either, just as long as a few parts are red, I'm fine with that too. I have an Ultramarine army that's blue, but it's not the same shade of blue that GW uses, I even integrated my Space Wolves into that army, using the same color scheme, so I can mix or match vehicles, and there's not a stich of space wolf grey on my Wolves.
Personally, I think Wolves look better in a darker richer blue, like that I use for my Ultra Marines.

Be unique man, don't follow the path everyone else follows, when you do, you take alot of the fun out of the hobby, and the ability to truly make something YOURS.

02-13-2010, 05:32 PM
I NEVER understood WHY people feel they HAVE TO paint models to look the same as they do in the manufacturer's books.
I was just asked this by my brother last night.

For my 40k armies, I have my own schemes for my Tyranids, Necrons, and Tau (but I do have yellow Imperial Fists)

...but, for WarmaHordes, I paint them "codex".
To me, they're established charaters. When I paint Caine or Mordikaar, I'm not just painting some dude with warcaster powers, I'm painting a specific guy from a specific place who wears specific uniforms with specific color schemes.

That's why I do itanyway; I can't obviously speak for everyone else.

02-14-2010, 09:51 AM
I was just asked this by my brother last night.

For my 40k armies, I have my own schemes for my Tyranids, Necrons, and Tau (but I do have yellow Imperial Fists)

...but, for WarmaHordes, I paint them "codex".
To me, they're established charaters. When I paint Caine or Mordikaar, I'm not just painting some dude with warcaster powers, I'm painting a specific guy from a specific place who wears specific uniforms with specific color schemes.

That's why I do itanyway; I can't obviously speak for everyone else.

But still, you don't have to. It can be from YOUR version of thier world. These aren't characters as established as Darth Vader, who you'd always paint black or he'd look stupid. To each thier own tho.

I liked my Cygnar in a deeper more purple-ish blue when I had them, because I hate being JUST like everyone else.

02-14-2010, 02:05 PM
I hate being JUST like everyone else.
The irony for me is that a a lot of people in my area actually don't paint them "codex"... so mine doesn't really look like everyone else's.

I imagine they probably feel the same way as you, which is great (don't get me wrong) but just something that doesn't feel right for me for this game.