View Full Version : 1850 custom chapter using IF chapter tactics

06-21-2014, 05:56 PM
Hi to the BoLS community! Not played 40k since 5th ed( and that was only amongst 5 of us) and have decided to create my own chapter to get back into the game with an 1850pts list using IF chapter tactics as stated in the title. I dont know what to expect when it comes to playing but im getting a feel from the discussion boards all over that its the edition for shooting. Anyway here is my list for you more experienced guys to comment on.

HQ- Pedro Kantor
Drop Pod

TROOPS-5 scouts w/ HB(HFS), Vt Sgt power weapon, teleport homer
Land Speeder Storm w/ assault cannon
Tactical Squad w/ plasma cannon/gun
Drop Pod

ELITES-10 sternguard(combat squads)w/pwr wpn,2 heavyflamers, 5 combi meltas
Drop Pod
5 terminators w/ assault cannon
Ironclad dreadnought
Drop Pod

FAST ATTACK- Land speeder w/ assault cannon, multimelta

HEAVY SUPPORT- Dev squad w/ 4 heavy bolters. Drop Pod
Thunderfire cannon w/ Drop Pod
Dev squad w/ 4 multimeltas Drop Pod

06-22-2014, 07:29 PM
I'd drop the lone landspeeder, I think it's too easy of a target. Three of them with typhoons aren't bad if you keep them back to harass from afar.

As for the Sternguard, I like a full squad so you can combat squad, I'd just drop the power weapon, the bolter with special ammo will be fine.

For the tac squads, I like to keep them simple and take a special weapon and matching combi. Melta bombs aren't bad either to protect against MCs coming in for close combat.

I like the Ironclad but I usually prefer them with dual heavy flamers and I like to use them to throw off infantry camping an objective because most of the time, they can't hurt em and it will require heavy weapons to be pulled off of the rest of your army to deal with it. I don't usually drop them in first turn, I save them for when they get dug in.

I don't like regular Terminators, although at least with IF CT they get rerolls on shooting.

As for the pods of devastators, I don't like the multimelta ones, but I do like long range tanks hunting devs as well as pods of heavy bolter devs. I've run Sentinels of Terra pod lists before where at half range they are twin linked.. So if you drop 2 units of those and they're not dealt with.. That's a LOT of heavy bolter fire raining down!

Scouts are best cheap with bolters in a land speeder storm like you have it, I'd just drop the heavy weapon because it will be snap firing which it can't if it's a blast marker and drop the vet sgt

Overall, I'd swap the MM devs for heavy bolters or lascannons to tank hunt, and turn the speeder and termies into air support (Stormraven and talon pairing is nice, or just a raven should be ok).

06-23-2014, 04:10 AM
I'd drop the land speeder and give those points to the Devastators hulking around with only heavy bolters. Give them extra bodies to hide behind.

06-26-2014, 07:30 AM
Thanks for the replys guys u have helped me make my mind up im gonna swap out the termies for more sternguard drop the scouts for a tactical and drop the speeder and give the devs another 5 bodies.

07-02-2014, 05:06 AM
Nice list, however I would alsof drop the multi melta devs fort las devs ( hunting moving tanks gets tricky once they dropped), agree that a lone landspeeder is pretty useless. I would keep the scouts in their speeder as they are great objective hunters. With IF tacticals I would consider Hurricane bolters on their ironclad. Also you have pretty low anti air support zo squesing in a stormtalon wouldn't hurt