View Full Version : Favorite Eldar unit part IV, FAST

Lost Vyper
06-20-2014, 05:05 PM
Figgidi fast a** fu***!

Thatīs what we are! Second favorite slot of mine, which ALSO got better in the 7th edition...

First of all, letīs drop the oneīs i donīt have/never use, Hemlock and the Shining Spears. The Spears might have their value now, but i never got around to get the models and the Hemlocks useful range is so ridiculous, that why donīt i just give the opponent the points.

I use the "paperplane" (Crimson...) occasionally, and i have two of those. In the 7th i havenīt had a time/chance to use one yet thou.

The Spiders...in the last edition the MOST used and the "we will kill it sir" unit of my army. In the 7th they are scoring and i use 2 x 5 dudes. I start 1 from the table (Maelstrom), just to score from the jump. S7 against vehicles = Sorry, IG, there goes your tin can...STILL...

First choice goes to the Swooping Hawks...DIRECT drop = SO MUCH POINTS/THREAT + a bomb if using 6 models = MUST. Gotta get Baharroth, just to dust some vehicles too...grenades love the IG with low armor and no cover save..ahhh...i gotsta buy a second unit of these dudes...

Whatīs your fastest pull?

- Lost Vyper

06-20-2014, 06:12 PM
Shadow Spectres, take three with an exarch, shadow of death and a haywire grenade launcher. They paralyse blobs or pretty mcuh anything. When used on the drop with shadow of death inside a 12 inch radius combined with a Night spinner or Horrify they can paralyse anything that is not fearless. Yes take a pinning check on 3 D6 use the highest 2 dice, no WC required. If you got horrify from a warlock on bike nearby even better that unit is absolutely pinned.
Otherwise those 2 haywire grenades go 24 inches and are great at stripping land raiders of hull points every turn. They hide in buildings just three models on a 4+ cover save no-one notices them but all of a sudden in 3 turns the land raider has no hull points left

06-21-2014, 12:53 AM
Still warpspiders. I occasionally use Spears but hands down warpspiders are best and still look awesome.

06-21-2014, 01:50 AM
I do the wraithbone shuffle, so my favourite (only) Fast Attack choice is obviously going to be the Hemlock Wraithfighter.

*ducks thrown tomatoes*

Hey, I know their heavy d-scythes are massively underpowered, but they got a psychic boost this edition! Even though Terrify got nerfed, they aren't going to be casting it any more; Psychic Focus means they now get Psychic Shriek, which TBH represents what the mindshock pod ought to have been doing all along - rip out their souls!

06-23-2014, 07:13 PM
1. Warp Spiders - they were always one of my favourite aspects and in current codex they're awesome. Extremely mobile, high durability (for eldar), high S shoots with monofilament rule, what's not to like? And Exarch with Spinneret Rifle and Fast Shot is a must have.
2. Runner up is a Forge World Hornet. Fast, outflanking with re-roll, AV11 and two pulse lasers? Yes, please :)

Swooping Hawks are also nice with their precise deep strike, nice amount of pew-pew, grenade pack and haywire grenades.

Shadow Spectres in their frightening option are great (especially when you have Asurman or DA exarch with Dire Sword - forcing LD tests against "remove from play" on 3d6 is really nice)

Crimson Hunters are nice (I often use one of those, paired with Void Dragon Bomber) and with new Jink Save rules their survivability is slightly greater (providing the enemy do not have "no cover" weapons).

Psychic Focus means they now get Psychic Shriek, which TBH represents what the mindshock pod ought to have been doing all along - rip out their souls!

Sadly, Wraithfighter cannot have Psychic Shriek :(

In some Army List Entries, a Psyker will have one or more specific psychic powers listed – where this is the case, it will be clearly stated. These Psykers always start the game with those psychic powers.Otherwise, a Psyker generates random psychic powers from amongst the psychic disciplines known to him.

If a Psyker generates all of his powers from the same psychic discipline (even if he can only generate one power), that Psyker is said to have Psychic Focus

06-23-2014, 07:19 PM
I do the wraithbone shuffle, so my favourite (only) Fast Attack choice is obviously going to be the Hemlock Wraithfighter.

*ducks thrown tomatoes*

Hey, I know their heavy d-scythes are massively underpowered, but they got a psychic boost this edition! Even though Terrify got nerfed, they aren't going to be casting it any more; Psychic Focus means they now get Psychic Shriek, which TBH represents what the mindshock pod ought to have been doing all along - rip out their souls!

I loved my hemlocks.. well I love them more than the crimson hunter - but less then the nightwings or phoenix bombers....

But the hemlock, when used appropriately can be a massive force multiplier... back when terrify was actually GOOD I made all kinds of unit run off the board that would normally be immune to such shenanigans.

Now that it gets psychic shriek, I'm eager to give it a shot... not sure if its mindshock pod affects the psychic shriek test or not - if so thats a real boon.

06-23-2014, 11:28 PM
Sadly, Wraithfighter cannot have Psychic Shriek :(

I'm not seeing the part where those two quotes combine to mean a unit that generates its powers from a list of one doesn't gain Psychic Focus. I mean, it even says right there "even if it can only generate one power."

Now that it gets psychic shriek, I'm eager to give it a shot... not sure if its mindshock pod affects the psychic shriek test or not - if so thats a real boon.

I wish, but the mindshock pod affects Morale and Pinning tests and the shriek is only a straight-up Leadership check.

06-24-2014, 05:05 AM
These Psykers always start the game with those psychic powers.
Hemlock always has Terrify psychic power from telepathy.

Otherwise, a Psyker generates random psychic powers from amongst the psychic disciplines known to him.
Hemlock cannot generate random power.

If a Psyker generates all of his powers from the same psychic discipline (even if he can only generate one power), that Psyker is said to have Psychic Focus
Hemlock does not have an ability to generate any powers at all, so he cannot benefits from Psychic Focus rule. QED

I would really like the idea of Psychic Shriek on them (Screaming, soul ripping fighter, hell yeah!), that would make them more playable and they certainly need that buff, but rules are clear to me (and sadly not only me) :(

06-24-2014, 06:37 AM
I'm a huge fan of Swooping Hawks and haven't fielded my Eldar without them. I may have to play without them just to see how much I miss em! :)

Also love my Nightwing... it's not as killy as the Crimson Hunter but IMO a better return on investment.

06-24-2014, 08:34 AM
Hemlock always has Terrify psychic power from telepathy.

Hemlock cannot generate random power.

Hemlock does not have an ability to generate any powers at all, so he cannot benefits from Psychic Focus rule. QED

I would really like the idea of Psychic Shriek on them (Screaming, soul ripping fighter, hell yeah!), that would make them more playable and they certainly need that buff, but rules are clear to me (and sadly not only me) :(

Sure it generates one... it just always generates the same one.

Its a matter of taste honestly... any opponent that doesn't allow you to take PS is not worth playing anyways.

06-24-2014, 10:03 AM
Hemlock always has Terrify psychic power from telepathy.

Hemlock cannot generate random power.

Hemlock does not have an ability to generate any powers at all, so he cannot benefits from Psychic Focus rule. QED

I would really like the idea of Psychic Shriek on them (Screaming, soul ripping fighter, hell yeah!), that would make them more playable and they certainly need that buff, but rules are clear to me (and sadly not only me) :(

This is not exclusive.
It just mentions there are 2 ways of generating your powers. Either random or take a fixed power.
Any psyker who generates from the same school is entitled to get the primaris, thus the Hemlock gets the primaris as it generates a fixed power from the telepathy school.
You generate it either way (if you dont generate a power you have none) there is no text that only allows this when you roll a power (as in the CSM codex for example)

Roadkill Zombie
06-25-2014, 03:49 PM
I prefer the Hemlock Wraithfighter as well. While I agree that it does get psychic shriek, i feel it is more dangerous when it uses Terrify on non fearless troops, even the many space marine varients.

The Eldar have so many really fast units that can surround an enemy unit so if you can do this and cause even a space marine unit to break, you can kill it by the "Trapped!" rule on page 58 of the core rulebook.

This makes Hemlocks far more dangerous than they appear at first glance.

John Bower
06-25-2014, 04:46 PM
Hemlock always has Terrify psychic power from telepathy.

Hemlock cannot generate random power.

Hemlock does not have an ability to generate any powers at all, so he cannot benefits from Psychic Focus rule. QED

I would really like the idea of Psychic Shriek on them (Screaming, soul ripping fighter, hell yeah!), that would make them more playable and they certainly need that buff, but rules are clear to me (and sadly not only me) :(

By that argument Broodlord would not get his primaris either; but the intent is clearly that he does from the rules for Dominion; which state that if the psyker is not a synapse creature he becomes one for the duration of the power; the only critter nids have that is 'not a synapse' creature and a psyker is the Broodlord. Any psyker that only gets 1 power for whatever reason gets primaris for free. A Hemlock is clearly stated to be flown by a Spiritseer after all; and what is a spiritseer? A level 1 psyker; so Hemlock is effectively a vehicle with the 'psychic pilot' rule.

06-26-2014, 02:12 PM
Warp spiders and Swooping Hawks are my favorite. The spiders have fast moving, hard hitting and that 3+ save makes them pretty survivable. Attach an autarch with warp jump generator and a fusion gun and they are truly a threat to anything.

I also love the hawks but since everyone at my FLG knows what they can do they eat an absolutely stupid amount of fire on the turn they arrive. :(

Dave Mcturk
06-26-2014, 04:49 PM
Warp spiders and Swooping Hawks are my favorite. The spiders have fast moving, hard hitting and that 3+ save makes them pretty survivable. Attach an autarch with warp jump generator and a fusion gun and they are truly a threat to anything.

I also love the hawks but since everyone at my FLG knows what they can do they eat an absolutely stupid amount of fire on the turn they arrive. :(

wot he sed ^

06-30-2014, 12:28 AM
Swooping hawks! They are my go to for fast slot, I like running 2 units of 8. Good deepstrike, and lots of shots. Also very capable of killing vehicles if I need them to.

I can see the argument for warp spiders, they are really good. I just really wanted to paint the SHawk models, I'm not a big fan of the Spider models.

So, since we've been playing 7th I've been having a hard time not thinking about Vypers, I own a bunch from way back I haven't really fielded them in years. Been liking them a lot more though, using for a little bit of extra support fire but mostly keeping them uninvolved and using them to cap out of the way Objectives.

Aurélien Mouliets
07-02-2014, 02:09 AM
If only there were new models of warp spiders... I mean, the exarch still looks awesome, but the "normal" spiders... meh, they are growing old.
More dynamic stances and I'd want to buy and field them (just have one exarch and one spider for now :D).
I love the hawks though, perfect for mass killing orks or astra militarum troops.