View Full Version : Favorite Eldar unit part III, ELITE

Lost Vyper
06-20-2014, 07:29 AM
Bring in your elite!

This is the one FOC-slot, that got a HUGE boost in the 7th edition. I was expecting (when the Eldar codex came out), that there would have been a chance to "unlock" fe. Scorpions with Karandras as troops, but no. Now...whole new ball game! They can score! This is the one slot, i have least experience in the 7th edition, so iīm relying more on Your experiences. Harlequins are the only models i donīt currently own (pain in da a** paintjob...), but i have yet to use Banshees (still crap, unless in a Raider, then slightly better) or the Scorpions, Fire Dragons in a 7th edition battle.

So, basicly it comes down to using Wraithguard as troops with Spiritseer as my current choice. I used to run with Fire Dragons a lot in the old Eldar codex, and i might have to get them back in with all the vehicles popping up in our FLGC...

So, whatīs your choice and have they fared well?

- Lost Vyper

06-20-2014, 09:18 AM
Wraithguard. I still love my Scorpions but wraithguard are now what fire dragons where before.

Lost Vyper
06-20-2014, 09:26 AM

S10 will ruin everyoneīs day :)

06-20-2014, 09:52 AM
Wraithguard are brilliant. Great to play, look awesome and a joy to paint. This is my favourite unit in 40k bar none.
Unfortunately I've sold most of my 40k stuff now due to moving abroad. But once I restart a new one it's likely to be Eldar again.

Lost Vyper
06-20-2014, 10:04 AM
They are great to paint and i love the fluff too. Still (again) gotta say, that Illic is my favorite model i have painted.

Dave Mcturk
06-20-2014, 03:18 PM
Wraithguard are brilliant. Great to play, look awesome and a joy to paint. This is my favourite unit in 40k bar none.
Unfortunately I've sold most of my 40k stuff now due to moving abroad. But once I restart a new one it's likely to be Eldar again.

love wraith guard - especially the axes and scythe boys. - problem is without buffing they are just expensive fire dragons - and fire dragons are cute for almost half the points cost - and they are fleet ! st 8 melta isnt much weaker than st10 ap2... so think the elite choice is a no brainer... FIRE DRAGONS [with ghostwalk serpents]

Roadkill Zombie
06-20-2014, 03:36 PM
Well the thread title isn't " which elite unit is best", so I'll tell you my favorite elite unit.

Howling Banshees

Yup, you read that right. They are my favorite unit by far. Even in 7th edition. They have been my favorite unit since 2nd edition, back when I didn't even play Eldar but was wishing I could afford to.

What do I love about them? They've got style...they've got class, they've got grace, they've got speed, and they've got power swords and banshee masks. They can run really fast to make their way towards the enemy. They've got battle focus with fleet to make sure they get a good run. They've got shuriken pistols with bladestorm so they can threaten just about anyone. Even opposing Eldar Wraithknights.

I've been practising with them ever since the start of 5th edition (when I decided to play Eldar and put down my other armies) and I'm loving them.

Sure, they aren't the best at killing anyone on a space marine bike but against back field objective holders they have become a holy terror.

For me, I loves me some Howling Banshees!

Lost Vyper
06-20-2014, 04:12 PM
Thatīs a pep talk for banshees!

I should make a list for them in the back burner...BTW GW, FAQ with some grenades will you...

06-21-2014, 09:54 AM
I do love me some Wraithguard.

But as far as I'm concerned, they're Troops; I have no Elites.

06-21-2014, 01:01 PM
I too consider WG as troops since I won't ever buy them as Elites.

The elite section itself is my my most overlooked section because, well, the offerings there are rather lackluster.

I don't like space clowns.... never have really.

Banshees, while i love the concept of the uber glass cannon, they are just all glass, no cannon.

Fire dragons aren't worth their new price tag when you consider them next to WG.

That leaves us striking scorpions. I love me the scorpions... I really do... its just that infiltrating in this day and age just isn't possible. They get blown to pieces every time they try to make it in assault. I want to make them work because, next to spiders, they're probably my favorite aspect.

06-21-2014, 03:31 PM
Style-wise my favourites are Harlequins and Striking Scorpions.

In-game... well I think you can probably guess which of the two.

06-21-2014, 03:48 PM
Tactically I use Fire Dragons a lot. But my fav is the Scorpions back when you could assault from Reserves (outlflank assault in your side!).
Though now I look forward to busting out my Banshees again as they are some of my favorite models. They will go in a Raider that will be escorted by Wave Serpents up a vulnerable flank.
I do really like all of our Elites! I think they all have their place and I really dig all of the sculpts.

06-23-2014, 06:36 PM
Striking Scorpions if I take any Elites ;)
I run Wraithguards as troops so they fill the AT role pretty nice, but I still field the Fire Dragons occasionally (especially in "no pain no gain" deepstrike option from Corsair Prince ally)

06-23-2014, 07:19 PM
Well I will have to go with Banshee's as well but there real heyday was back in 2nd/3rd Edition.

06-28-2014, 05:49 AM
Gotta go with the Wraithscythes I dont ever run them as elites though I run them with a Spiritseer and often a Wraithseer. In seven Games of 7th Ed and maybe 20 in 6th they have turned the game. The unit forces bikers back, threaten anything, are never charged and clear objectives. They are the most hated unit in my group and generally a pain to take out with that Spiritseer there. T6 makes them a better terminator even on a 3+ save, weight of fire from S4/S5 shooting just bounces off them. If anything Wraithscythes became even more favourite today. Wraiths will ruin the dreams of our dreaded enemies the Orcs, no race has the D-Scythe and the green hooligans will learn to fear the D-Scythe again. Orcs will be out there with trucks everywhere next week. Wraithscythes love open topped and will treat the Orcs the same as Necrons in Annibarges.... combustible targets.

What I like and makes them my favourites is they actually finish more games than they start, somehow they get there. Now I find I go out of my way to keep them alive, just because I can.

The fluff for the wraithconstructs is excellent and the models awesome. If the there were no Wraithguard I would be saying Scorpions I just like the models but sadly they are eclipsed by the Wraithscythes

06-29-2014, 11:10 PM
Scorpions are by far my favorite, 3+ armor, Good statline and good USR's was enough for me really. An at initiative order power fist tho kinda seals the deal. One of the better generic characters for challenges. Tough, with a I6 Fist attacks.

I don't really run enough assault units to play them aggressively but they are great for bailing my shooting units out of trouble before they take too many losses.

I really wish I liked banshees still, they are very fragile for their points. Even 1 round of shooting after disembark + overwatch tends to cut down their threat a lot.

The changes allowing them to be fielded in raiders makes them more viable again but I'm not really sure I want to be 'that guy'. Eldar and dark eldar really don't like one another in the lore. I would have to convert out the eldar grav tank frame to look like a less armored open topped assault vehicle to be able to live with myself. That's a lot of work when I really love scorpions as they are.

Although as I am typing this 2 ideas just popped into my head for making dark eldar allies using eldar based conversions.... Sometimes I hate my brain.

The wraith units are good, they just never really spoke to me. I've always liked eldar aspect warriors quite a bit.