View Full Version : Race Specific Maelstom of War Mission Cards?

06-19-2014, 10:09 AM
via Gary's mystery dude (http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Faeit212/~3/_q8x8ZEZE_U/tactical-objective-cards-expanded-deck.html): 6-19-2014

In reference to the upcoming Ork Tactical Objective Cards product:

They're both different art, and different mission-types.Unique objectives for Orks.

There'll be an article in White Dwarf soon about customizing your objective decks. Decks have a fixed number of cards, but you can draw from the ones available to your faction/race. So for Example: Generic cards, Forces of Disorder and Ork cards could be used in an Ork deck.

This will mean two things:
1) the chart in the main rulebook is a stop-gap for those who do not have cards, but can never be the same as cards (since for instance, you can roll the same result multiple times, but while there are multiples of the same card in the deck, you will always be at (X-Y) available as one is in your hand.

2) Deckbuilding will provide players with a way to gain an advantage in maelstrom missions, as you can create a deck that compliments your army.

Before people get up in arms of advantage, etc, if anything it just loosens the grip that maelstrom would otherwise place on your army composition as you can play an army you want to play and still compete in maelstrom, with all the fun of random/variation between games, but in a manner of your choosing.

While some of the Ork cards are pretty much reprints of what we've already seen with a couple ork-related typos and names, others are very ork specific.

And never forget, you don't have to use them if you want to just use the regular cards or chart.

Erik Setzer
06-19-2014, 10:44 AM
So, in theory, someone could tailor their deck to be lots of "kill stuff with shooting" or something to that effect, thus helping a shooty army? You could even potentially replace most of the "Take Objective X" cards and then not have to move around the table too much.

It'll be interesting to see how that goes. While it sounds like it could be fun, I have to admit that it sounds like another case where they're throwing game balance out the window in favor of being able to sell multiple decks. (And that doesn't even make sense if they're not printing them in high enough quantity to sell.)

06-19-2014, 10:48 AM
"Forces of Disorder "

I thought theyed kicked that stupid concept in the head in 40k,

I'm hoping it gets the arse in WFB to in 9th ed.

06-19-2014, 03:16 PM
This is really no different from Warlord traits- Generic ones in the BRB, and then army specific ones as an option as codices come out.

06-19-2014, 05:54 PM
Oh yeah! More limited print gaming aids that'll be useless in two years.

I could get excited about this if I was sure that these would be available and usable for 6+ years, but they won't be.

I hate to be a kill joy, but with the release of 7th edition GW killed my faith in them keeping with a rules set or mechanic for any significant time.

06-19-2014, 06:43 PM
These sound awesome.

I cant wait till I draw the "roll a spawn result on the boon table" chaos card, how exciting and invigorating, it really forges the narrative.

I wonder what they are going to call the "deck building" expansion, and whether it will be a supplement or an addition to the core rules.

06-19-2014, 06:50 PM
These sound awesome.

I cant wait till I draw the "roll a spawn result on the boon table" chaos card, how exciting and invigorating, it really forges the narrative.

I wonder what they are going to call the "deck building" expansion, and whether it will be a supplement or an addition to the core rules.
I wonder if they are going to come in booster packs with certain objective cards "uncommon" and others "rares" requiring you to purchase multiple packs to get the objective cards you want...

06-19-2014, 07:39 PM
I wonder if they are going to come in booster packs with certain objective cards "uncommon" and others "rares" requiring you to purchase multiple packs to get the objective cards you want...

that would be great, I hope the rares are "Shiny" and obviously they are rare so they should give out extra victory points

06-19-2014, 08:44 PM
These sound awesome.

I cant wait till I draw the "roll a spawn result on the boon table" chaos card, how exciting and invigorating, it really forges the narrative.

I wonder what they are going to call the "deck building" expansion, and whether it will be a supplement or an addition to the core rules.

Chances are next June we will see 8th Edition released with the deck building rules hammered in along with another page of Faq/Errata data. :D It will be a steal at another eighty American dollars. :D

06-19-2014, 08:49 PM
Chances are next June we will see 8th Edition released with the deck building rules hammered in along with another page of Faq/Errata data. :D It will be a steal at another eighty American dollars. :D

man thats just so negative,

I mean, GW is offering to update the rules for us in a timely fashion now, thats great right? if you cant afford it you shouldnt be playing.

I for one look forward to paying 140 dollars a year of two to find out exactly how infiltration works.

06-19-2014, 08:58 PM
man thats just so negative,

I mean, GW is offering to update the rules for us in a timely fashion now, thats great right? if you cant afford it you shouldnt be playing.

I for one look forward to paying 140 dollars a year of two to find out exactly how infiltration works.

I snorted milk out my nose on that one. But seriously, can it be that far off where you pay for a dataslate (like a dollar each) for each Universal Special rule? :D

06-19-2014, 09:03 PM
I aim to please :D

But in all honesty this is just another layer of rules for GW to disproportionately balance.

They cant even manage to get warlord traits to be fair across all the armies (compare the tau "we get to re-roll" BS with the Tyranid "you're **** out of luck" crap), good luck doing it with the tactical objective cards.

though I do kinda look forward to more army narrative game ideas I can steal.

06-19-2014, 09:08 PM
I aim to please :D

But in all honesty this is just another layer of rules for GW to disproportionately balance.

They cant even manage to get warlord traits to be fair across all the armies (compare the tau "we get to re-roll" BS with the Tyranid you're **** out of luck crap), good luck doing it with the tactical objective cards.

though I do kinda look forward to more army narrative game ideas I can steal.

My favorite middle finger to my own faction (CSM) was the new Warlord Trait which provides Infiltrate/Outflank to units and is superior to the one Chaos Space Marines get. :D

06-19-2014, 09:19 PM
Chaos Space Marine Warlord Trait #3

It allows you to nominate D3 INFANTRY units in your army. They will gain the Infiltrate rule.

*Compare this with:

Basic Rulebook Strategic Warlord Trait #3

Your Warlord AND three non-vehicle units of your choice get the Infiltrate special rule.

*So for a brief period of time CSM had a cool Warlord Trait. Now it is second rate by comparison. :D The Basic Rule Book version can affect non-infantry and is guaranteed the Warlord +D3 which is infinitely better. :D The CSM version would require one of the nominated units to be the Warlord (assuming said Warlord was Infantry) and thus reduce the number of overall gained. If you only rolled a (1) on that D3 you couldn't join your Warlord to the unit.

Mr Mystery
06-19-2014, 11:48 PM
Interested to see how tees pan out.

06-20-2014, 03:04 AM
I aim to please :D

Well then, please stop wasting peoples time with "witty" shots at GW that drag it off topic.

I'm curious how much of the deck will be Ork specific- what will be the proportion of Orky specific cards to existing cards? Will the Orky specific cards all be in one band (say replacing the results 61-66), or if they will be scattered throughout the deck? What will be the proportion of Orky specific cards to existing cards?

Is there any Deckbuilding options at all, beyond "use the Ork deck vs Use the BRB deck? The information on deck building is coming from Faeit. And we know the accuracy of that place. But I suppose even speculation from a known unreliable source is enough to trust when it means taking some shots at GW.

06-20-2014, 03:06 AM
If ou can tailor the deck this would add a new interesting strategic layer to the game.

It woudl make list building even more interesting. Imagine some of the synergy options that you could then build out.

If it is true then the day of the monobuilds and the this is how you play X are dead.

06-20-2014, 03:09 AM
If ou can tailor the deck this would add a new interesting strategic layer to the game.

It woudl make list building even more interesting. Imagine some of the synergy options that you could then build out.

If it is true then the day of the monobuilds and the this is how you play X are dead.

whille I agree in concept my faith in GWs execution does not support this, I forsee a wide variance in armies getting cards that are actually good and armies getting cards that suck.

IE: Turn into spawn
would be a likely Chaos card from GW. Compared to something like
Secure an objective turn 1 (drop pods) for space marines.

06-20-2014, 03:12 AM
You forgot dab I am wearing my rose tinted fanboi glasses, so everything is awesome!

Thought it maybe that I arrived at work to find a pile of donughts on my desk a large cup of tea and a note saying "Thanks for all the hard work enjoy the tea and cake"

But yes, I accept your caveat. It all depends on the execution and that can be *varied*.

06-20-2014, 03:15 AM
You forgot dab I am wearing my rose tinted fanboi glasses, so everything is awesome!

Its alright wolf, I am constantly wearing those myself thats half my problem

06-20-2014, 03:36 AM
If ou can tailor the deck this would add a new interesting strategic layer to the game.

It woudl make list building even more interesting. Imagine some of the synergy options that you could then build out.

If it is true then the day of the monobuilds and the this is how you play X are dead.

Yeah that would be great.
But I dont trust GWs execution of good idea anymore.
The psiphase was a great concept. Execution was poor.
Maelstorm was a grat concept. Execution was poor.
I can totally see more microtransactions in the game (buy these new shiny card sets to unlock better ways to gain VP) and I can also see messed up execution.

06-20-2014, 05:27 AM

Erik Setzer
06-20-2014, 07:42 AM
I wonder if they are going to come in booster packs with certain objective cards "uncommon" and others "rares" requiring you to purchase multiple packs to get the objective cards you want...

Stop giving them ideas, guys! Come on!