View Full Version : Krieg Assault Bridge (Objective camping) 1850pt

06-19-2014, 02:32 AM
Hello all, I was looking to get input on this Krieg list, its using the Assault Bridge rules. The plan is to deploy in whole platoons and just run everything forward onto objectives, Krieg don't take tests for loosing 25% to shooting, are immune to fear and have a commissar to help with leadership in melee (to which Krieg have slightly higher WS). And I will use the rule that puts wiped out platoons back into reserves.

To quote Zapp Brannigan "I sent wave after wave of my own men at them"

And then general shelling from all of the artillery.

In my Meta we are playing a lot of Maelstrom so I think this could be fun, what do you think?

Imperial Guard: FW IA12 - Death Korps of Krieg Assault Brigade

HQ (130pts)

Death Korp Company Command Squad
Company Commander
Quartermaster (30pts)
Regimental Standard Bearer
3x Veteran with Lasgun


Leman Russ Forward Command Tank (185pts)
Battle Cannon, Heavy Bolter


Death Korps Infantry Platoon 1
Infantry Squad 1
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Infantry Squad 2
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Platoon 1 Command Squad
3x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Vox
Platoon Commander

Death Korps Infantry Platoon 2
Infantry Squad 1
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Infantry Squad 2
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Platoon 2 Command Squad
3x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Vox
Platoon Commander

Death Korps Infantry Platoon 3
Infantry Squad 1
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Infantry Squad 2
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Platoon 3 Command Squad
3x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Vox
Platoon Commander

Death Korps Infantry Platoon 4
Infantry Squad 1
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Infantry Squad 2
8x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Meltagun

Platoon 4 Command Squad
3x Guardsman with Lasgun
Guardsman with Vox
Platoon Commander

Heavy Support
AA Battery
3x Sabre Defense Platforms with Autocannons

Death Korps Field Artillery Battery
Artillery Team 1
Thudd Gun
3x Crew

Artillery Team 2
Thudd Gun
3x Crew

Artillery Team 3
Thudd Gun
3x Crew

Death Korps Ordinance Tank Battery
Medusa Siege Gun 1
Heavy Bolter, Medusa Siege Cannon

Medusa Siege Gun 2
Heavy Bolter, Medusa Siege Cannon