View Full Version : Base-coat spraying query

01-17-2010, 12:00 PM

Duke Rich
01-17-2010, 12:00 PM
Hi everyone, after recently buying and building my Space Wolves army, I now have the task of painting it. But before that, I need to base-coat my models.
I've got a can of Chaos Black and Skull White spray, now how to spray my models and which models to spray white, and which to spray black.
However, I over heard a group talking at my local GW about not spraying in certain weather conditions, so, I was wondering, does anyone have any specific hints/tips/advice on weather conditions that are good for spraying my models? (Other than if it's raining, I do know at least that much)

Also, any other handy tips about spray painting in general would be of use, it's always good to learn a thing or two.

P.S: I don't own, and probably don't plan to own a Spray Gun, the normal cans are where it's at.

01-17-2010, 12:17 PM

01-17-2010, 12:17 PM
Black for most things. White only for things that are mostly white, Red or Yellow. Don't discount grey either, that can be very useful for vehicles and would also work well for your wolves.

Too hot or too cold are both bad for spraying, high humidity is worse. If your from England or Europe you should be fine most of the time as we don't tend to get extremes that would effect it.

Ideally spraying needs to be done at room temperature. Unfortunately using spray cans indoors is not a great idea - smell and fumes makes it very unpleasent and unless you have a spray booth of somekind, very messy. Waiit until it's sunny and make the cans are well shaken.

Duke Rich
01-17-2010, 12:17 PM
Most of my stuff's going to be black, trying out white on my scouts to see if I can do anything different with the paint scheme, also got the white to finally spray my Phoenix Guard.
I'm from southern England and apart from the snow recently the weather's normally fine, sprayed a couple units a couple hours ago and it might have been a bit too cold, left 'em to dry for about 20 mins and some had what I think was a bit of water, probably best to do the rest around mid day.

Duke Rich
01-17-2010, 02:16 PM
The tin always needs a damn good shake. At least 1-2 min of shaking. Spray in short bursts, don't try and do the whole model in one go, you'll get too much paint on the model and waste alot. Don't get too close or be too far away.

Yep, whenever I'm spraying I'll normally listen to some music to help make it less tedious, shaking away. I've learnt my lesson from spraying a model a bit too much, (I think it's to do with basing in white, personally, as I couldn't see how much I'd covered with a couple bursts) as whilst spraying an eldar jetbike, he lost most of his bodily features, not too good.

01-17-2010, 02:34 PM

01-20-2010, 07:35 AM
If you can't spray try a product called Gesso. I think it is made by several manufacturers and used by sculptors to prime their work. It comes in different colors but I know someone who swears by it and uses it even for their War of Flames miniatures (it retains the details on the very small 15mm figures). There are several articles on the net and here is one http://www.aisling.net/journaling/gesso.htm on using Gesso and another about priming models http://www.dakkadakka.com/wiki/en/Priming_With_Acrylic_Gesso. It comes in different sized bottles and is less expensive than most sprays (at least here in the US).


01-20-2010, 12:43 PM
I really must recommend the Army Painter line of colored primers. I noticed a huge difference in quality (read less of a "flocking" effect) from the primer I was using. link below.
