View Full Version : 1850pt. NON-FMC/NON-Flying circus daemon build. Requesting feedback

06-17-2014, 02:03 PM
I need help. I am looking to build a relatively competitive list without going to extremes in WC, FMC, or screamer/khornedog-star. Daemons strike me as quick. Damn quick. Beep Beep Zip-Bang quick! It is to that end that this list is borne. I am asking for the brutal harsh truth in feedback.

Herald of Tzeentch, lvl3 psyker, 1 lesser, 1 greater reward, Warlord
Herald of Slaanesh, lvl2 psyker, on steed, locus of beguilment, 1 lesser, 1 greater reward.
Herald of Khorne, on juggernaut, locus of fury, 1 lesser, 1 greater reward

2X 20 horrors w/ icon

Fast Attack:
20 Flesh hounds
15 Seekers of Slaanesh w/ icon.
7 Screamers

Heavy Support:
2X Soulgrinders w/ MoS, Baleful Torrent

Mad Cat
06-18-2014, 05:32 AM
Looks a good list.

HQ: I can see the point of an aetherblade on each of them. The greter rewards can be great for adding defence. It is a very expensive way of getting +1A however if you just plan on taking an extra aetherblade.

Troops: I know you don't want to spam the summoning and you will keep freinds for not going down that route but 4x11 gets you 2 more casting dice. You can drop the icons as you shouldn't be deepstriking with a rush list.

Fast: Good. Seekers tend to die in large numbers as they are deadly and easy to kill not to mention loosing 11% each time you enter terrain and with their super initiative you cvan bet the enemy will be hugging cover.

Heavy: Fine.

06-18-2014, 07:56 AM
Hello good Sir,

Thank you for the feedback. If I may, I'll explain my thoughts;
HQ: I see the chance of rolling +1W & I Will Not Die, FNP 4+, 3+ sv, or reroll invul sv as worth the points. (Greater Rewards)

Troops: I like the larger footprint 20minis make. Harder for flyers to maneuver, and easier board control. I equip icons so the summoned daemons don't scatter if summoned within it's control range.

Fast: It is true that seekers die rather easily, however they can outflank, which is sometimes useful. Also, they may not garner so much incoming fire, as I have those pesky 20 rage filled Hounds bearing down, rather quickly, on my opponent.