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View Full Version : Thoughts on skaven 2 months in

01-16-2010, 11:47 PM
It's been a couple of months since the new army book was released. Now that players have had a chance to
play with the new rules I was curious to hear their opinions on the book.

I'll start it off.

Doomwheels rock!!! I use 2 of them. The lightning bolts have sniped monsterous creatures and vampire lords for me. Smashing thru difficult terrain is very low risk. I just love these things.

Core troops. All of them. Seems to me that most times they are no better than a speed bump. I realize that
they are just basic rats for the most part. Still when i look at my core choices i wish for more.

Magic items. This is what most disappointed me about the new book. The list of items is pathetically small. I find they lack imagination as well. Many of the decent items have a downside too. Example of what bothers me. There are 4 unique skaven arcane magic items and 3 of those are single use items.

Screaming Bell. Ho hum. The model is fantastic, but i find that luck plays a huge roll when it comes to bell effects. Rarely if ever do i get a bell effect that helps the current situation I'm in. On the upside, unbreakable has been very helpful and it makes a fine platform for spellcasting.

Overall I like the new book. I think there are so many more options when it comes to army building. If anything bothers me it's the lack of quality core choices and lack of choice in the magic item department.
I've found that with my list I win or lose based on what the doomwheels accomplish. The rest of the army I'm just hoping doesn't rollover to fast.

02-05-2010, 08:05 AM
I have been thinking of getting into Skaven as my first WFB army. I love the Doomwheel model, and so far what has attracted me to the army is mainly visuals.
I think GW does a poor job of telling you about the tactics for this army like they do with some others. How do you play Skaven? WHat are the advantages and disadvantages? I live about 3 hours from my LGS, so I don't have lots of time to read through codices.