View Full Version : Fings wot I has learned from 40k.

Mr Mystery
06-14-2014, 01:34 PM
Yep, it's kind of philosophy. But based on stuff from 40k that has a resonance in your own life.

For me? Orks never lose. For those unfamiliar (shame on you, unless you're brand new to the hobby, in which case, welcome!)... Orks never lose because if they win, they win. If they run away, they can always come back for another go, and if they die, it doesn't matter.

That to me is a powerful mindset to get yourself in. Kind of like 'never say die', but with more explanation. Tone down the overall Orky carefreeness of it, and it sets you up pretty well for life!

And another one, far more cynical over all.....

Only the insane have strength enough to prosper, and only those who prosper may judge what is truly sane.

Lordy I find that profound. I've googled it, and it appears to be a 40k original, though I suspect it's lifted form somewhere. And you know, the older I get, the more I see it's true. To get anywhere in life, you need drive and oomph. To really get up to the top, you need to be somewhat unhinged, and more than a little bit bonkers. Take politicians. I know, cheap shot and not universal, but they tend to be good at fostering a cult of personality. They need to, they're after votes. And that helps to explain why they split opinion the way they do. I don't think there's many politicians world wide who don't display some kind of sociopathic tendencies. Certainly you're average person doesn't haven't the drive necessary to work their way that high.

Right, over to you!

06-14-2014, 09:03 PM
That quote was in the original Rogue Trader rulebook. I still use it.

Da Gargoyle
06-17-2014, 02:21 AM
I saw the Ork philosophy of life death and the universe cited in another thread. The writer also praised it as a great frame of mind to be in. My only thought was that if an Ork takes a bolter to the head, he will need a new mind in his frame.