View Full Version : Looking For a Perfect Game...

06-12-2014, 01:44 AM
I don't know if this is the right place to put this, but there isn't a forum for all-purpose wargaming questions, so this is where I'll put it. I guess one of the mods can move it if they don't like it here.

I have a good friend who I would like to wargame with more often. The trouble is that we can't seem to find a game that we both like equally. My favorite games are Firestorm Armada, I'm thinking of getting back into Infinity, and I can't keep from wanting to play 40k once in a while, despite its flaws. My buddy prefers Malifaux and Relic Knights. I like risk management and don't mind a certain degree of chaos - my friend gets really stressed out when there's too much luck involved, and prefers games with some degree of a resource mechanic, something he can "spend" to avoid the sting of misfortune.

The question is, is there a game where we can meet in the middle? Part of the problem is that my friend has somewhat limited funds, so he's unlikely to be able to pick up, for example, a small Infinity force just to play with me once in a while. I can afford to dip into a game just to check it out; my friend isn't going to invest in a game unless he really likes it (though I might be willing to get him a starter of a game we would both enjoy as my next birthday present for him, or whatever, if we can find the right game).

One final preference: my friend strongly prefers skirmish-level games, rather than large-scale "war" level games. I'm neutral on that topic - I like both kinds of games.

Any suggestions?

I'll keep an eye on this thread so I can answer questions and respond to suggestions.

06-12-2014, 11:28 AM
Huh... I'm surprised that nobody is paying any attention so far. This is basically "sell me on your favorite game, provided my buddy and I might like it." It's open season to convince some innocent dudes to get into whatever game you like best!

06-12-2014, 01:26 PM
Xwing is supposed to be easy to larn, tactically deep, and lots of fun, though I don't know enough about it to talk details. Same thing with Drop Zone Commander.

Infinity has its 3rd edition coming up later this year.

Warmahordes has tons and tons of resource and risk management. It has a fairly steep learning curve, and some people complain it's all about assassinations (which it isn't, unless you play like 15pt games where you only have your caster and one or two units).

06-12-2014, 03:13 PM
Huh... I'm surprised that nobody is paying any attention so far. This is basically "sell me on your favorite game, provided my buddy and I might like it." It's open season to convince some innocent dudes to get into whatever game you like best!

Exercise the patience of your namesake, boss! The thread's only been up for less than thirteen hours (EDIT: all right, thirteen and a half by the time I'd finished typing), and I don't know about anybody else but I was at work for ten of them.

I like risk management and don't mind a certain degree of chaos - my friend gets really stressed out when there's too much luck involved, and prefers games with some degree of a resource mechanic, something he can "spend" to avoid the sting of misfortune.

The question is, is there a game where we can meet in the middle? Part of the problem is that my friend has somewhat limited funds, so he's unlikely to be able to pick up, for example, a small Infinity force just to play with me once in a while. I can afford to dip into a game just to check it out; my friend isn't going to invest in a game unless he really likes it (though I might be willing to get him a starter of a game we would both enjoy as my next birthday present for him, or whatever, if we can find the right game).

One final preference: my friend strongly prefers skirmish-level games, rather than large-scale "war" level games. I'm neutral on that topic - I like both kinds of games.
I'm pretty sure X-Wing ticks ALL of those boxes. It's skirmish-level, you can "spend" focus/evade/target lock tokens to better your chances against misfortune,* the planning phase is a combination of luck and skill because you have to second-guess how your opponent will move and secretly choose your own maneuvers appropriately, and it's about the cheapest wargame I can think of (I don't know about Stateside prices, but here in Blighty a core set can be had for £25, a small ship for £11 or a large ship for £21). When a Rebel squadron typically consists of four fighters (or two and a Falcon), and even a TIE "swarm" is only eight fighters, the dangerous cost comes from more from the collector's desire to own every ship and every card, not from the requirements of a single squadron.

Unless one or the other of you is an anti-fan who won't touch anything Star Wars shaped with a barge pole, I think it's definitely worth a look. Have you got anywhere local that can demo it?

*Especially if you put a Recon Specialist on the Moldy Crow. Then you generate two focus tokens per focus action and don't discard them at the end of the turn. This delicious combo can be further combo'd with Kyle Katarn (which makes sense; the Crow's his ship, after all), who can slip one of those focus tokens to a friendly ship. I figure the HWK-290 is probably a ship your friend would like.

Same thing with Drop Zone Commander.

DZC is certainly fun but I wouldn't call it cheap. Cheaper than 40k, sure, but getting mugged is cheaper than 40k.

06-12-2014, 04:11 PM
I didn't say anything about cost.

06-12-2014, 11:20 PM
No, but I did, because it was one of EP's criteria.

06-13-2014, 01:52 AM
I fear there is no perfect game. Just great ones :)