View Full Version : CSM/CD 1500 tester list

06-10-2014, 09:26 PM
So in light of the ability for my chaos guys to be battle brothers with daemons and the new psychic phase, I wanted to deviate from my normal lists and experiment with a mixed list of CSM's and Daemons even at a lower point level. Any comments or criticisms are welcome as to me this is completely theoretical.

Huron Blackheart

Herald of Tzeentch w/
ML 3 and an Exalted Reward (potentially the portal glyph for some harassment measures)

CSM x10 w/
CCW's, Meltagun x2, MoS, Icon of Excess, Power Weapon, Meltabombs

CSM x9 w/
CCW's, Meltagun, Mos, IoE, Power Weapon, Meltabombs

Pink Horrors x 10

Rhino x2

Fast Attack
Heldrake x2

Aegis Defence Line w/
Comms Relay

Soul Grinder w/
Daemon of Nurgle and Warpgaze


The idea is using Huron's outflank to at least bring him and his squad of Slanneshi CSM's and the other squad for 2nd turn harassment along with the two heldrakes that are coming in. The horrors and Herald man the Aegis with the comm relay ensuring that those units come in and they can go to ground for that 2+ cover while the Herald sits back and tries conjuring some baddies with the 5+ WC's available to him. Soul Grinder provides good anti-tank and anti-air measures.