View Full Version : Dr. Orktopus

Alexander Wilson
06-10-2014, 03:30 PM
Hey, I had the idea for this little guy and then to my dismay I found out it has already been done by afew people, nevertheless I still went through with the conversion.

Hope the pictures aren't that bad of him, I know its a bit light xD .

06-11-2014, 01:32 AM
That's so cool. Would you use this in a game, or was this just for fun? If you would use him in a game, would you declare the arms to be a bosspole or something? A KFF?

Alexander Wilson
06-11-2014, 02:31 AM
Not exactly sure xD.
Originally I planned for him to be like a warboss/mek hybrid. But the base model is too small to really be a warboss, not that im complaining since I love the little guy.
But yeh will probubly just go as a KFF or a power claw xD