View Full Version : Define "In Cover"

06-10-2014, 02:52 PM
Define "In Cover"

06-10-2014, 02:59 PM
If at least 25% of a model is obscured by terrain; or according to the rules of certain terrain pieces (standing in a Crater, standing in a Ruin). There.

06-10-2014, 03:19 PM
If at least 25% of a model is obscured by terrain; or according to the rules of certain terrain pieces (standing in a Crater, standing in a Ruin). There.

That is obvious. But, how much of the model has to be in the terrain feature. BRB just says 'In Cover"

06-10-2014, 04:27 PM
That is obvious. But, how much of the model has to be in the terrain feature. BRB just says 'In Cover"

Absolutly 0%. LoS just has to be blocked to 25% of the model from the firing models point of view. Standing in a forest terrain piece w/25% of the model obscured is the same as standing behind the same piece w/25% of the model obscured. I assume this question is brought about by the fact that there is no more area terrain in 40K?

Edit:You will also get better cover standing behind the rim of a crater rather than in it, but better cover in it when you go to ground. This assumes that the rim of the crater blocks 25% of the models. Odd, but thats how it's written.

06-11-2014, 12:44 AM
I assume this question is brought about by the fact that there is no more area terrain in 40K?

People keep saying this, and it's pretty much dead wrong. Sure, nothing is called area terrain anymore, but plenty of terrain is effectively area terrain. Ruins are no longer area on on the bottom and LoS based on the other levels. If any part of your base is in any part of a ruin, the model gets 4+ cover. Craters work the same way, only it's 6+ cover. I think all the special buildings and woods listed in the rule book are the same way. You really only have to be obscured if you are not in a piece of terrain but have something between you and what is shooting you. I was hoping they would get rid of MC having a cover save because the back 2 centimeters of their base are touching ruins, but alas, it was not to be.

06-11-2014, 07:00 AM
It's in the 'Battlefield Terrain' section under 'Terrain Types'.

'In cover behind' and 'in' are two different things. Area terrain is still very much a thing, just not under that name. Being 'in cover behind' requires that the model be 25% obscured to get the save. Being 'in' the terrain piece means that the model (or some part of it) is standing on the piece of scenery, whether obscured or not.

For example, most difficult terrain requires that a model be 'in cover behind' it to get the 5+ cover save it confers. Ruin specify that the models 'in' them receive a 4+ save, and even specifically states "regardless of whether or not they are 25% obscured". You just have to have the base partially on the terrain piece.

Rough Touch
06-12-2014, 08:57 AM
we had this argument all the time, now we just base all the cover ( trees on on base etc) not only are they easy to pack up you, you all just say if its on the base its in cover