View Full Version : Daboarder's How To's: Pustules and Barnacles

06-09-2014, 07:40 PM
Another week, another How To.

This week is a short tutorial on how to do quick and easy details for the followers of Nurgle.

These pustules are a simple method of making single pustules on models, if you want to do large clusters of these I will be posting another technique at a later date. These work well as replacements for the wax seals you see on purity seals, or to merely add some asymmetrical detail to a model without overwhelming the details.

The Barnacles are kinda cool and a bit of a personal favourite of mine, the technique also works well as a way of creating nurgle "exhaust" ports.


1) Start with a ball of greenstuff (choose your own size for what you want) and place it on the surface where you desire.


2) Use the tip of a sculpting tool to press down through the edge of the ball, you want to just press down along the edge of the ball leaving the center section as untouched as possible.


After the tip touches the underlying surface, drag it directly out away from the ball, it will drag the edges of the groove with it, do not worry.

3) Repeat this technique around the circumference of the ball.


And there you have it, a single pustule


1) Follow steps 1-3 as if you were creating a pustule.


2) Press the tip of a sculpting tool directly down into the middle of the greenstuff.


3) Work the tool around creating a hole in the center of the greenstuff.


4) The final step is to touch up the edges of the barnacle, the motions in steps 2&3 will have "blunted" the edges of the greenstuff grooves. Taking your tool gently tidy up the edges buy dragging the tip of your tool up through the grooves away from the underlying surface.


As always here is the technique used on a variety of models.