View Full Version : Hello everyone!

Akimbo Lizard
01-15-2010, 12:57 AM
I have one thing to say and that is : I'm sorry, I started Necrons in 4th ed. 4 months later 5th ed. rolled in... pretty self-explantory ;) I play Blood Angels and I will be the first to welcome you :D

Zombie Combover
01-15-2010, 12:57 AM
Today I discovered that there's a thriving forum attached to Bell of Lost Souls! It's amazing what happens when you (cautiously, oh so very cautiously) disable NoScript. I've wandered through the forums, and this looks like a wonderful community. I'm glad I stumbled into it.

I'm a "non-traditional" college student (that means "old college student", for those of you who don't speak Academic Advisor), and an enthusiastic game player. I don't really discriminate. Miniatures games, card games, board games and computer games, they're all fun for me.

Mordheim used to be my favorite miniatures game, but now I'm much more excited about Warhammer 40K. My primary army is Necrons, but I'm moving slowly into a mechanized Ork force instead. Orks make the painting parts of my brain very happy. It's all the grime and goofy expressions. I hope they're as much fun to play as they are to paint!

I'm off to browse the forums. It's great to be here!

01-15-2010, 02:39 AM
Sounds like you will have a unique insight into the hobby, drawing as you do from many different sources. Glad you can join us!

01-15-2010, 12:03 PM
Great to have some more vets with us here in the Lounge Zombie Combover. Welcome and make yourself at home!

person person
01-16-2010, 01:25 AM
Welcome to the Lounge, nice avatar!

01-16-2010, 01:48 PM
Welcome Zombie Combover.

01-17-2010, 01:08 PM

I started my Ork army because I could paint them all disheveled and greasy and grimy! It’s kinda therapeutic don't you think?

Happy to have another Ork player here too, though I have to admit my first love are my Black Templars.