View Full Version : Grey Knight/Allied Smurfs 1850pts

06-08-2014, 08:28 PM
Looking for suggestions to make the list better. I attach the Librarian, Draigo and Tig to the terminators. I roll the Lbarian and Draigo in santic discipline. I roll Tig in telepathy and Bio. I start with 14 warp charges. I know one weakness is flyers.

Grey Knight Librarian 200pts
Psyker Mastery level 3

Lord Draigo 275pts

Purifiers 313pts
psy bolts

Strike squad 180pts
psy bolts
1xpsy cannon
4xgrey knights
heavy bolter razorback
psy bolts

Strike squad 180pts
psy bolts
1xpsy cannon
4xgrey knights
heavy bolter razorback
psy bolts

Allied Smufs

Tigurius 165

6x scouts 84pts
6x sniper rifles

Assault Terminaters 450pts
10X thunder hammer storm sheilds

06-09-2014, 06:26 PM
Well, for preference, i'd say it's pretty easy to table. I run GK and the occasional unforgiven, and i'd take say, some ordinary GK terminators instead of the Termie SS+TH combo. But i can see that without the termies there's really no point in allying in UM.

so constructive?
+good against infantry, heavy and light.
+Varied weaponry, can lay the hurt pretty consistently, except
-Needs more anti tank. I play against Imps, and i would sincerely, reccommend anti tank weaponry, a bit more.
-Scatter, oh you will scatter, and this is a pretty dicey cut, you scatter into deadmans land or no mansland in hammer and anvil and you'll have to slog. unless you get the divination power that lets you DS again.

I can see the army doing well against, say Tau, or stationary eldar, and of course Daemons and CSM. But flying Daemons? IG? Flying tyrranids? also, jetbike daur would probably use their mobility to hit and strike you, unless you corner them.

My two cents, hope i'm not too harsh.