View Full Version : mysterious terrain chart MIA in 7ed book?

David John Stringwell
06-08-2014, 05:14 AM
Just a quick question, Why o' why is there a refrence to a mysterious terrain chart on page 108 in new rule book, and no chart any where to be found. I only noticed, as last nite i ran 'nids and warlord trait was turn woods into carnivourus forrest, so i looked in book, and, oh, not there........ Shall i just use old 6ed rules for said terrian or make it "dangerous terrain".

Path Walker
06-08-2014, 05:17 AM
Just a quick question, Why o' why is there a refrence to a mysterious terrain chart on page 108 in new rule book, and no chart any where to be found. I only noticed, as last nite i ran 'nids and warlord trait was turn woods into carnivourus forrest, so i looked in book, and, oh, not there........ Shall i just use old 6ed rules for said terrian or make it "dangerous terrain".

If you read the part about Mysterious Terrain on page 108, it states that some Terrain Datasheets will include a Mysterious Terrain Table. The Crashed Aquilla Lander has one on its Datasheet.
They do need to fix that warlord trait though.

David Crossley
06-08-2014, 06:27 AM
The universal one has been scrapped, instead you'll notice it mentions that the mysterious terrain table will be on the relevant terrain datasheet. It means what it says, if you go to the terrain datasheets in the appendix and flip through till you get to the Crashed Imperial Aquila Lander, you'll notice it is 'Difficult Terrian (Mysterious)' and has a table titled 'Mysterious Wreckage'.

Presumably they'll be adding more terrain datasheets at some point in time which might feature more mysterious terrain tables, but for now that's the only one.

Edited to add: As far as your Tyranid warlord trait is concerned, it's addressed in the Black Library FAQ&Errata page. http://www.blacklibrary.com/Downloads/Product/PDF/Warhammer-40k/7th-faq/Tyranids_v1.0_May14.pdf

(It does also encourage players to devise their own terrain datasheets for any scratch-built terrain using the ones in the book as examples, which might result in you encountering more mysterious tables, but of course this falls firmly into the realm of 'house rules' so can probably be ignored.)

David John Stringwell
06-08-2014, 08:11 AM
thanks bruv, cheers