View Full Version : The Green Angels: Winged Nurgle Daemon Princes

06-07-2014, 12:14 PM
The new rules have granted Daemon Princes, well more specifically Winged Nurgle Daemon Princes, a huge bump. All Nurgle Daemon Princes are "Shrouded" which affords them a +2 to their Cover saves. The 7th Edition Jink rule provides a 4+ Cover save at the expense of only making snapshots until the end of their next turn. The end result is that all Winged Nurgle Daemon Princes have a 2+ Cover Save at all times unless the weapon ignores cover somehow. I think most of us knew this already and had considered it intellectually. I gave it a bigger road test last night, in a 1500pt per player game, I put in three Winged Nurgle Princes (well one was Be'lakor but since he is also Shrouded he counts). I could have put in as many as four if I had cut some Obliterators, but three was enough for my purposes.

I maxed out all the Princes I could so all three were Mastery Level-3 Psykers (Be'lakor already comes that way), gave one the Black Mace, and the third was a Black Legion ally with the Eye of Night. Aside from one unit of Nurgle Obliterators, the rest of my army was three (10) man Cultist units, one would presume the guys that summoned the Daemon Princes (and their Ground Crews).

The game was a 2 on 2 affair, but bulk of the damage was being done by three models, i.e. my Green Angels. It suffices to say that the bulk of both opposing armies were firing at my Daemon Princes with little to no effect. It was a walk through game for several of the players, so when the outcome became apparent, we called it before it got too late. All I can say is there is a new Sheriff in town, and he is big, green, oozes with puss, and has wings. Throw in guaranteed invisibility (compliments of Be'lakor) and you have something that is just downright vicious. The benefits are:

1. Jink + Shrouded providing 2+ Cover save.
2. Biomancy now has two ways to provide a way to avoid being gimped by a single shot, either by pumping your Toughness to (8) or giving you Eternal Warrior.
3. High Odds of getting Life Leech too, which can be used to constantly heal the Psyker or other DPs who actually take some wounds.
4. Invisibility readily available by a named DP who shares the Winged Nurgle DP benefits.
5. Use of Allied Detachments (and combined arms if you like) to gain a variety of interesting Wargear

I am likely going to take part in a tournament tomorrow (if the wife allows) to see what it can do there. I might even bump it up to (4) DPs and the Cultists who worship them respectively. At this point, it is impossible to know if I'm bringing cheese or not. It sounds like cheese but then again, in this new system there is so much cheese to go around that it is hard to taste anything else.

Captain Bubonicus
06-07-2014, 12:58 PM
If it's cheese, it's delicious moldy stinky cheese.

This Dave
06-07-2014, 02:12 PM
Just curious, what were the DPs using to cause their damage? Were they in Glide mode the whole game and assaulting stuff?

The Tisroc
06-07-2014, 02:44 PM
The game was a 2 on 2 affair, but bulk of the damage was being done by three models, i.e. my Green Angels Ha! The bulk of the damage was being done by ONE model: the Black Mace, Psycher, Nurgle Demon Prince! It was a fun game. A lot of the fun came from the group going "Oh my God! Did you see that?!" The best moment (for me) was when one of Caitsidhe's Cultists one-shotted one of my Terminators after a squad of Oblits COMPLETELY failed to do any damage to them.

Caitsidhe is right: it's a brutal combination! It was fun playing my first game of 7th Edition but that one model has me thinking that I need to SERIOUSLY increase the amount of stuff that I bring that ignores cover! "Krampus" (Caitsidhe's name for this beast) simply chews through anything he gets near and he's nearly impossible to kill. He floats around the battlefield deleting units. He's hard to shoot most of the time because he's invisible and then he shakes everything off with 2+ cover saves. If he does take a hit then he drains the life out of some poor buggers and regenerates lost wounds!

Kudos, John, on coming up with this beast. You are correct: there is a new Sheriff in town! He's 'arder than 'ard. Do me a favor and post his exact stats and cost here. I need to give this guy a good looking over because I'm going to have to come up with a hard counter if we're going to have any close games.

PS: last night's game has also convinced me that I need to add some psychers to my Dark Angel army.

06-07-2014, 04:51 PM
Just curious, what were the DPs using to cause their damage? Were they in Glide mode the whole game and assaulting stuff?

Quite so. All through 6th Edition I kept my Krampus out of the air, just jumping from cover to cover. Thus, the changeover in 7th doesn't really matter to me. I just got better, no longer needing the cover.

The Tisroc
06-07-2014, 07:49 PM
I just got better, no longer needing the cover. It's a deadly combination. I think it's cool that you found it! I hope I find some gems like this one!

06-08-2014, 03:45 AM
It's a deadly combination. I think it's cool that you found it! I hope I find some gems like this one!
As a fellow Dark Angels player I would advice you to give the Troop Terminator in dedicated Land raider a try, it is fun too see the face of your oponent when he relise that the Land Raider is not only scoring but also super scoring.

I tried Regular Las cannon Land raiders, but I will switch to Reedemers as the clearing of regular troops around the Land raider is key and most have Troops have less the 6 in thougness and only a few Troops like Terminators have a better save then 3+ (and it ignores cover too).