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View Full Version : Starting/expanding Tau, where to begin?

06-07-2014, 11:28 AM
I've decided to pick up 40k again after not playing since 3rd edition, around late 2001/early 2002. I have a Tau Megaforce from 4th edition (circa 2006) lying around that I am going to use for the basis of a new Tau army. Having not played a game in so long I am not sure what is useful from the Megaforce and what I should look at expanding my force with first.

I currently have:

1x Crisis Suit w/2x Fusion Blasters (Commander?)*
* This is the only model that's assembled
2x Crisis Suits
20x Fire Warriors
1x Devilfish
3x XV25 Stealth Suits
3x Pirahna
1x Hammerhead
??? Drones

Are the Stealth suits and Pirahna useful? And what should I look at getting first to expand this out to a serviceable army if it's not already?

06-09-2014, 06:31 PM
I've decided to pick up 40k again after not playing since 3rd edition, around late 2001/early 2002. I have a Tau Megaforce from 4th edition (circa 2006) lying around that I am going to use for the basis of a new Tau army. Having not played a game in so long I am not sure what is useful from the Megaforce and what I should look at expanding my force with first.

I currently have:

1x Crisis Suit w/2x Fusion Blasters (Commander?)*
* This is the only model that's assembled
2x Crisis Suits
20x Fire Warriors
1x Devilfish
3x XV25 Stealth Suits
3x Pirahna
1x Hammerhead
??? Drones

Are the Stealth suits and Pirahna useful? And what should I look at getting first to expand this out to a serviceable army if it's not already?

I play against Tau, albeit with Marines, and as such my answer should be taken as just that, somebody who will tell what he does NOT want to face, or like to see opposite him.

Riptides, sorry, in 4 d win, but all the flak it gets is largely undeserved, it is a great model, and a great addition to any army, versatily as all mighty.
Pathfinders, they got a real tight buff what-with the snipers and markelights. I would get a bunch of markerlights.
Broadsides? i think they are consistently good, they have their missile options down pat, and they almost always give me grief.

Now a Tau player would probably be better to help you here, but what do you want to do? infiltrate? dominate the movement, gunline?

06-15-2014, 08:20 PM
I play against Tau, albeit with Marines, and as such my answer should be taken as just that, somebody who will tell what he does NOT want to face, or like to see opposite him.

Riptides, sorry, in 4 d win, but all the flak it gets is largely undeserved, it is a great model, and a great addition to any army, versatily as all mighty.
Pathfinders, they got a real tight buff what-with the snipers and markelights. I would get a bunch of markerlights.
Broadsides? i think they are consistently good, they have their missile options down pat, and they almost always give me grief.

Now a Tau player would probably be better to help you here, but what do you want to do? infiltrate? dominate the movement, gunline?

More than likely I'd be looking to do a hybrid army. Have a solid firebase, of course, but have some units that can move forward to seize objectives, or take out key enemy units, draw fire and the like (for some reason I get the impression that there would be something like the Kamikaze in Tau military doctrine whereby one draws the enemy attention to sacrifice oneself for the Greater Good). One of the things that always appealed to me about Tau was how they could (and this might have changed, this is based on the original concepts way back when) play out similar to an actual military force. So ideally I'd like to incorporate some of that flexibility.

06-16-2014, 03:01 PM
More than likely I'd be looking to do a hybrid army. Have a solid firebase, of course, but have some units that can move forward to seize objectives, or take out key enemy units, draw fire and the like (for some reason I get the impression that there would be something like the Kamikaze in Tau military doctrine whereby one draws the enemy attention to sacrifice oneself for the Greater Good). One of the things that always appealed to me about Tau was how they could (and this might have changed, this is based on the original concepts way back when) play out similar to an actual military force. So ideally I'd like to incorporate some of that flexibility.

Well, from the sound of it i'd recommend getting some kroots, they'd allow you an efficient (at least more so that Fire warriors) screen with which you can advance with, otherwise, in a city fight environment i've always found the mobility of the crisis suits enviable. Shooting and jumping is a godsend on the high ground. Otherwise i'd infiltrate some Pathfinders that snipe.

The problem is that WS2 makes it pretty dicey to get close. But i'd reccomend some suits for cautious advancing, with a riptide to lead the way, PF for sniping and Markerlighting, Kroot's to cover the flanks and flank themselves, and a bucnh of mounted firewarriors to "follow the beaten path". remember. Static tau is how many play it, but synergetic tau is a damn good thing if you make it work.

Dave Mcturk
06-17-2014, 04:41 AM
im in the play against them camp. ive found the hunter -seeker missile things the most awkward thing as they devastate troops on foot without 2+ armour - even wraithguard! - they also make a mess of light vehicles - especially those with only two hull points.

i dont understand how they play tested them or pointed them up! - 12 or more 'twin linked' 'ignore cover' st 5 36" range shots that can fire 'blind' - as an ork player i pay 5pts for a bs2 big shoota! and 25pts for a one use 'big bomb' on a kopta! - my eldar pay 30+ points for a 48" missile weapon but although it 'ignores jink' it isnt twin linked and doesnt ignore cover! [and comes in a fragile t3 body frame] - personally i would have given broadsides T5 but thats just me!

but all that said they are a very good 'buy' for your tau to give anti-infantry firepower.
where tau struggle is long range anti-tank [12 >14 armour] ... so popping something in to take down land raiders/wave serpents is probably critical - your meltas arent as reliable as high ws armies - but its still the 'best' anti vehicle weapon

riptides are ok - but unless you are spamming them - i generally get to play against a tau commander who runs one solo - ive found they are easier to ignore unless they get in your face. hammerheads are a bit of a point sink but they seem a real threat to armour so keep [me] an opponent 'honest'.