View Full Version : Possibly playing again - army choice?

06-07-2014, 06:39 AM
So I have decided to take the plunge and investigate 7th edition. I'm starting totally from scratch as the last time I played was in 3rd edition circa 2002, so I remember the core rules and nothing that's changed since then. I'm looking to stay casual, basically I plan to eschew tournaments and avoid playing the competitive crowd at my FLGS entirely but try to suggest that we have a more laid back league or campaign. I figure if 40k lends itself to casual style games, then I'll focus on that aspect and try to "forge the narrative".

I have the 7th edition book as a digital download and have started to read through some of it. Rummaging through a forgotten section of the closet I found the following for a Space Marine and Tau Empire army, all unassembled except where noted:

- Captain/Chapter Master (assembled on foot with a storm shield and lightning claw because it looks cool)
- At least 10, possibly 20 Tactical Marines with missile launcher and choice of special weapons (10 are in bits/partially assembled to not sure what's all there, 10 are on sprue)
- Razorback or Rhino
- 5x Assault Marines
- Drop Pod
- Possibly enough bits to make a Command Squad but not sure

- 1x assembled Crisis suit with 2x Fusion Blasters (possible "Commander")
- 20x Fire Warriors
- Devilfish
- 2x Crisis Suits
- 3x Stealth Suits
- 3x Piranha
- Hammerhead
- Assorted drone bits

Now I have always loved the backstory of 40k, but I never liked how silly it is to have Marines fight against other Imperial forces (especially other Marines). On the other hand though Tau make less sense fighting other Tau (barring Farsight). Visuals-wise I like them all, the classic look of Marines and the sleek, futuristic military look of Tau (I remember when they first came out back in 2001/2002 and that really appealed to me at the time).

I'm not totally sold on allies as they seem a crutch and largely used in unfluffy ways but I might be cool with a fluffy use such as MT+SM representing a strike force (something about the new Stormtroo--Militarum Tempestus guys looks really neat, although I don't like the berets) but I'd likely avoid allies outside of for fluff reasons and if I included allies I would have to make up a suitable backstory to explain it. Unbound goes similar as I'm not sure how receptive people are going to be to it, and it would have to be for fluff reasons with a suitable backstory. I would likely not abuse psychic powers if I even bothered to take a psyker at all (I might just so I can try the Psychic Phase).

Given those parameters I'm not sure if I should throw my lot in for the Greater Good or the Emperor. On one hand, SM are the baseline, they're the best supported out of everything, most everything is in plastic, etc. and I can create my own Chapter to allow me to pick tactics that I want, and I could dabble in other Imperial armies that I've never really done in the past (the aforementioned Militarum Tempestus for example), and from what I've read the changes to the allied chart gives Imperial forces a hefty advantage since they're all BBs with each other. On the other, their playstyle seems boring if you don't go all bikers (which I don't think I'd do, at least not initially; I'd likely go for a balanced, fluffy force) and there's likely still the stigma of MEQ. On the downside I don't have much so I'm probably looking at a higher cost, and there's always a lot of Marine players which bugs me due to the aforementioned fluff-breaking Marine vs. Marine scenarios.

I really like the visuals of the Tau and I have a bit more in the collection (although no idea if for example Stealth suits and Pirahna are any good), but seem like they are much more difficult to use (and if you mess up you're basically screwed), and are more prone to abuse (I'm not sure I could resist the lure of a Riptide or two, and cheese aside that's a hefty bit of cash to dump on a single model, albeit an awesome looking one). Also it seems like they might have their own stigma due to being slightly OP at the moment, and could also be fairly popular. I'm not totally sold on Farsight and company to go that route.

Allying the two of them is out of the question as that IMO flies in the face of the lore.

Or, I could go with something else entirely. I always liked having a balanced kind of army that could respond well to different opponents (in part because I never wanted to have a huge collection to save on costs and in part because I didn't want to delve into netlists - I would play exclusively at a FLGS that doesn't have much in the way of organized games); I used to enjoy CC but Assault is still bad, and visual wise my only restriction is that I like the army to look cohesive; I never liked too much variety in how a unit looks or the army begins to look clownish instead of a regimented force (for instance, I never liked stock Eldar because they looked disorganized due to all the different Aspect Warriors colors). I was never a fan of armies that required a fine level of finesse to use, mostly because I'm slightly more blunt and to the point.

What do you think?

06-07-2014, 06:51 AM
I'd go Tau just for variety's sake. They're both strong armies at the moment, though. :)

06-07-2014, 06:59 AM
I'd go Tau just for variety's sake. They're both strong armies at the moment, though. :)

Blah tau is boring. :p

I say crack out the greenstuff and sell your soul to a chaos god

06-07-2014, 07:03 AM
Blah tau is boring. :p

I say crack out the greenstuff and sell your soul to a chaos god

Maybe if Chaos wasn't garbage this edition. I played Chaos in 2nd and 3rd :p I just have no desire to do Nurgle and everything else is crap, it seems. I actually thought of doing a Crimson Slaughter army (a REAL CS army, not Nurgle with CS rules) when their book came out, but I like Traitor Legions and legit Chaos, not Typhus Walking Dead or things like that.

If I go straight from what appeals, then I really like most everything about Tau, but most of all the battlesuits (yay mecha :D) and the high-tech military look. Fluff-wise I like the Imperium and Space Marines, but really who doesn't? Just Marine v. Marine is so boring and lore-breaking (outside of 30k/Badab War anyways), plus the more I think about it the less I like painting them; you'd think it'd be easy with all the flat surfaces but for some reason I've always found it super hard, idk.

06-07-2014, 07:11 AM
actually, despite the heldrake nerf certain chaos units got some serious boosts. its not a good codex (I'm the last person who will say that) but its has some interesting options.

also, Nurgle might be still king of the hill, but slaanesh is still right on his tail and 1ksons lists are going to be a powerhouse this edition (the aspiring sorc, make GREAT psy batteries, to feed ahriman charges for his 15 witchfires a turn)

06-07-2014, 07:16 AM
actually, despite the heldrake nerf certain chaos units got some serious boosts. its not a good codex (I'm the last person who will say that) but its has some interesting options.

also, Nurgle might be still king of the hill, but slaanesh is still right on his tail and 1ksons lists are going to be a powerhouse this edition (the aspiring sorc, make GREAT psy batteries, to feed ahriman charges for his 15 witchfires a turn)

Sadly I never liked any of the Big Four; when I played Chaos it was entirely for the Legions, so until GW actually decides to do legit legions in 40k...

Tau is looking likely at the moment, I also have more of them so that's less cash I have to spend which is always a plus :p