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View Full Version : Banehammer Blast?

01-14-2010, 11:34 AM
After dertermining the final position of the shot , place suitable marker and roll 4D6. this is the size of the shockwave generated.

My question to the lounge is...

Is this the DIAMETER or RADIUS of the shockwave?

There is 24 inch difference in the two possible maximums. I phoned GW and the guy was 75% sure is was the diameter but as in not FAQ'd he coulnd say got definite.

01-14-2010, 11:51 AM
We played with 4d6" as the radius. I would guess that is the intention - if you said "the shockwave went 24 inches" I would assume a 24" radius, as it goes 24" in every direction.

In apocalypse, it's entirely up to you and your club. You could always go with a compromise and say the radius is 3d6" or something similar. Apocalypse rules in general tend to be unofficial.