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View Full Version : 1850 - Clan Raukaan, Imperial Knight

06-02-2014, 02:50 PM
The idea is to create something well-rounded I can take to the local game store for casual play and competitive local tournaments, and something that is good for any of the new missions in 7th edition, including use of the objective cards. I am a bit worried that I don't have any psykers, but I'm not sure yet if that is going to be a big deal or not... I'm also not sure if I should swap the Knight Errant for a Knight Paladin and use all melta Tac Squads, or leave it as-is...

Clan Raukaan (Combined Arms Detachment)

Chapter Master - artificer armor, bike, gorgon's chain, thunder hammer, warlord
Captain - artificer armor, bike, power fist, storm shield, combi-grav
Command Squad - bikes, apothecary, grav x4

Scouts (5) - bolters
Tactical Squad (10) - rhino, plasma, combi-plasma
Tactical Squad (10) - rhino, melta, combi-melta

Stormtalon - skyhammers


Imperial Knights (Imperial Knight Detachment)

Knight Errant