View Full Version : Forge World Tau

01-14-2010, 09:01 AM
To sort of expand on the XV-9 post below does anyone have experiance with the other Forge World tau vehicles? What are your thoughts on using Forge World units and rules in games of 40K? Anyone ever seen what Shas'O R'Myr can do? Seeing as codexes are slow as glaciers to get produced I've been thinking of turning to Forge World as a way of keeping my Tau strong in 5th ed. Besides some of the moddles are just wicked cool.

01-14-2010, 11:00 AM
Overall, the Forgeworld Tau models are slightly overpointed, but they fill roles which are lacking and add a lot of flexibility to the army. There are a handful of very powerful forgeworld units out there, but everything in Tau is solidly OK at best. It's enough to slightly improve a Tau army but nothing is broken or exceptional, or likely to generate complaints from your gaming group.

The biggest change in IA is the Piranha. The IA version is slightly more expensive and gains +1BS and its melta is twin-linked (a needed update, imo. A single BS3 12" gun on a 65 point gun platform is not enough).

Heavy Gun Drones are great but also expensive (they cost as much as a grey knight . . .). It's nice to be able to add mobile markerlights to the army, though, even if they are BS2.

Another nice upgrade option: You can give your Shas'o a BS5 markerlight for 15 points, but he needs to be stationary to fire it.

01-16-2010, 12:23 PM
I got a few. I use Shas'o R'MYR as my comander for a few years now. I got a couple of those DX-6 drones, which I think are fun. Also a few of the suits. So yeah they do have a highish points cost But I like'em so I use.

01-16-2010, 09:29 PM
The TX-42 Piranha is a very strong contender with the normal variant- it carries twin-linked weapons, but does not have Gun Drones. The options for Plasma and Missile Pod are nice, but overcosted, like much of FW.

Tetras are nice in that they fill the Markerlight needs of a mobile force (and without taking up valuable HS slots, unlike the poor Skyray). They're pricey (points-wise), but do their job quite well.

The XV9's alternate weapon systems are real beasts. Leave the TLBCs at home, though.

Some of the XV8 suit variants are interesting, but I don't think any of them really shine enough for me to use them. Still, if you're desperate for another SMS platform or Markerlight (or flechettes on a suit, which is pretty weird), they're a possibility.

The alternate Hammerhead turrets are all pretty bad. Still with your Railguns, kiddies.

01-18-2010, 10:04 AM
I don't supose the FW modles come with rules do they? Or are you required to buy the IA books inorder to use the units?

Do you guys know if you can set your O or El' in the XV-9? Thanks for the info so far. Over all it's dampened my intrest in getting the FW modles mostly. Though the Tetra's sound like a much better markerlight solution than the pathfinders.

01-18-2010, 12:37 PM
You can put any independent character in the XV-9 squad, so any monat HQ can join.