View Full Version : Anyone got some interesting conversion projects in the works?

Commissar Lewis
01-14-2010, 03:36 AM
Well, I wanted to get Harker for my army, but after watching Aliens I decided I'm going to make Jeanette Vasquez to fill that role. She was badass and wielded a big-*** gun, so thus I shall make a model of her.

What I'm going to do is use some kind of putty/greenstuff/etc over a dark eldar female torso and suitable legs, turning em into Imperial/Vasquez-looking. And while a heavy stubber would look closer to the gun she uses, I'm going with a heavy bolter just to make WYSIWYG easier.

I'll have to re-name my Catachan grenade launcher chick, though.

Anyway, feel free to share your ideas.

01-14-2010, 06:11 AM
a nice model for a catachan female is bazooka, one of the old schaeffer´s last chancers. she carries a rocket launcher but with a little conversion, i´m sure she could carry a heavy bolter too.

01-14-2010, 07:01 AM
I've rather shamefully not completed a single thing in my Iron Hands army yet, every single model is gonna be comprised of multiple kits or utterly converted..
Every regular marine contains parts from the tactical squad and other places, such as the Iron Warriors conversion kit or the Chaos squad box (all non-chaos parts, of course..)
As for sergeants and characters, ooooh boy is there a lot being done..
A list of models I'm doing up atm are:

SM Commander
SM Command Squad
Marneus Calgar & Retinue

SM Masters Of The Chapter
Vulkan He'stan
Pedro Kantor
Terminator Chaplain
Jump Pack Chaplain
Captain Sicarius
Old Captain Sicarius (double lightning claw)

Chaplain Grimaldus
Master Of The Ravenwing
CSM Iron Warriors Warsmith
Huron Blackheart

All of them are losing any chaos marks, chapter symbols, aquilas, anything, and all being redone with cogs, tooth patterning, and AdMech symbols cast off the back of the dreadnought and off of the torsos that come in tank sprues..
God knows it's a hell of an undertaking, but most of them are at least bare of symbols now, it's more a matter of finding time to do the sculpting!

Lord Azaghul
01-14-2010, 07:18 AM
I asked a friend to convert an old IG Sarg, to a Zap Brannigan, I'll either using him has Chenkov, is a game vs a friend who plays necrons. Or in a more satirical fashion has creed. He also went out of his way to build me a Kif so he'll either be a commisar in Zaps unit! Or Kell.
Any way he finished this week and here is the result:

01-14-2010, 12:26 PM
I'm gathering parts for the deadly and manly BOBs.

01-14-2010, 12:26 PM
My current conversion projects:
Tau with bunny slippers in his PJs and a Kirby Tau HQ
Genestealer Cult Vendetta (both commissions/gifts)

For me, I'm working on a non-organic Chaos Tau army. Every model will be converted to be a robot, drone, or other mechanical thing, and the army is based off of corrupted AI.

Asymmetrical Xeno
01-14-2010, 04:59 PM
Well, I just used the one necron i had left after i finished my 2000 pt army and some other bitz to make a (non playable) Malal Chaos Necron :) oh I bet the fluff-purists will hate that one lol

01-14-2010, 04:59 PM
Don't stop at Vasquez! You've got to at least make Alpone and Gorman. And while you're at it, make the rest of the guys too. You can have a whole squad of colonial marines.

01-14-2010, 04:59 PM
Well, I wanted to get Harker for my army, but after watching Aliens I decided I'm going to make Jeanette Vasquez to fill that role. She was badass and wielded a big-*** gun, so thus I shall make a model of her.

What I'm going to do is use some kind of putty/greenstuff/etc over a dark eldar female torso and suitable legs, turning em into Imperial/Vasquez-looking. And while a heavy stubber would look closer to the gun she uses, I'm going with a heavy bolter just to make WYSIWYG easier.

I'll have to re-name my Catachan grenade launcher chick, though.

Anyway, feel free to share your ideas.

I have something that might help you out. I dunno if you've ever seen it, but there was a catachan model that was released awhile ago that looked very similar to Vasquez. She had a grenade launcher. Here is the mini here.

This might be a great template to start from if you can find the mini. I dont think GW sells it anymore, but im sure it wouldn't be that hard to get a hold of. Goodluck!

01-14-2010, 04:59 PM
While not a conversion per say, I have created a Tyranid spore pod and am currently looking for an economical way of casting models from it.

Anyone with casting experience, I could really use some advice and pointers.

Sorry for no pic, I should have some for you guys later this weekend if you're interested.

01-14-2010, 07:49 PM
I should be working on putting dino-rider style gun mounts on my fantasy hydra's head, but it's been a nightmare so far and I just can't seem to get the blasted things to work.

At the moment I've sort of gotten distracted, my casual 'I'm just mucking around' conversion is a sort of hell steed made from WFB wood elf and tomb kings horse parts, with horns. Sort of aiming for the flaming skeletal hellsteed look. No idea what I could actually use it as, may end up getting temporarily hitched to a slaanesh chariot until the plastic seekers finally come out, even if it looks more khornesk (although long and lanky and graceful sort of body parts may suit slaanesh, it isn't heavily armoured or muscled...)

01-14-2010, 11:15 PM
Well, most of it is fairly mild conversion work, but my goal is to make one WYSIWYG veteran squad for each of the special rule options, and each one with a specially converted sergeant.

I already have a demolitions squad with shotguns, meltaguns, a demo-charge, backpacks festooned with melta-bombs, and a sergeant with a shotgun, red baret (ala the British paratroopers in Bridge too Far) and power fist.

I have started a forward sentries squad with sniper rifles, missile launcher, and camo-cloaks (actually modeled). I have yet to decide what to give the sarge, or how to represent snare-mines.

The last one will be a grenadiers squad with shotguns, flamers and a heavy flamer, carapace armor (actually modeled), and probably re-breathers (there is going to be a lot of smoke and fumes wherever they go :D). Again, I have yet to decide what to give the sarge.

Unfortunately, like all of my modeling projects, they go back on indefinite hold while I go back for my last semester of college :(.

Commissar Lewis
01-15-2010, 02:39 AM
Yeah, I already have the Catachan GL chick, but I'm gonna try not to mess with it ATM. I have some of those plastic Dark Eldar female torsos/legs from an old box set my cousin gave me ( he tried to get into the hobby years ago but just didn't really click with it) and use some greenstuff or whatever on that to make Vasquez.

And yeah, I could make all the people from Aliens, as a couple of veterans. Vasquez as Harker, Drake as the heavy bolter guy for a team, Gorman somewhere maybe as an LT, etc. I'll definitely have to do that.

And all the ideas are sounding pretty cool, like those Iron Hands. You'll have to post pics of that when it's done, bro.

01-15-2010, 04:05 AM
At the moment I'm mostly working on a couple of commissions, a squad of Praetorian Ogryn's and Vostroyan counts as Nork Deddog, however I'm also doing some bits for my Nurgle CSM's, adding a big of Nurgly goodness to some Obliterator's to tie them into the force and working on some Plague Zombies.

01-15-2010, 10:00 PM
And yeah, I could make all the people from Aliens, as a couple of veterans. Vasquez as Harker, Drake as the heavy bolter guy for a team, Gorman somewhere maybe as an LT, etc. I'll definitely have to do that.

I've been working on this idea for a while now (my modeling and painting skills are about as effective as the French army) But i'vew found a couple of spot on bitz. The Cadian command pack has a model with a cigar in his mouth, perfect for Apone of course a Valkeryie has *****myer and Ferro as pilots Old Salamander crew would work for gorman a good base for a smart gun is the Van Sarr heavy stubber model [Wow just noticed that the one name got *'ed over]

01-16-2010, 11:49 AM
I actually posted my Gue'vesa here not to long ago. I made em from fire warriors, cadians, and Pig Iron Heads.


01-16-2010, 07:46 PM
I'm working on a Goff Rocka Battlestage. Should have fully functional speakers and lights once its done.

01-17-2010, 12:38 AM
I'm working on a Goff Rocka Battlestage. Should have fully functional speakers and lights once its done.

That makes me want to do a Noise Marine Rhino w/speakers. Or maybe a Sisters of Battle vehicle with working laud hailers.

person person
01-17-2010, 02:02 AM
I'm working on a Nurgle Knight Titan ATM, used to be a 1:100 scale Zaku Gundam (One of the newer ones), gotta prime it now.