View Full Version : Zone Mortalis

05-30-2014, 01:42 AM

A friend and me are planning a Zone Mortalis game (using the rules, not the FW boards).

Do you think the Astra Militarum are at a disadvantage in this kind of games ? They can't use their major asset (tanks/vehicles). My friend (who will play AM) thinks they don't stand a chance against my Chaos Marines.

What do you think ?

05-30-2014, 01:59 AM
The lack of access to vehicles might be a pain. However, the ability to flood the board with infantry wouold be quite impressive that and consider the sheer numbers of special weapons that can be brought all the meltas and plasmas, it would be crazy fun.

05-30-2014, 04:01 AM
Yeah they will be at a disadvantage without their heavy equipment, but that just means the AM can play to their other main strength, which is manpower or to put it another way "We will drown our enemies in rivers of our own blood". As Wolfshade says, flood the board with troops and have as many special weapons as you can field. Be sure and let us know how it goes.

05-30-2014, 06:04 AM
With special weapons (hvy flamer as an anti-assault choice) in veteran squads and using your orders to full effect you should be able to whittle down CSMs without too many probs.

Also using Ratlings could be fun, have your potshots then duck back out of LOS with their new rule.

This Dave
05-30-2014, 08:26 AM
And don't forget that orders can make any weapons the troops have Ignore Cover. And they have access to Heavy Flamers in Command and Veteran squads. In close quarters built up battles like Zone Mortalis that gives quite an advantage.

05-30-2014, 11:13 AM
OK, now I am scared !!! I play the Chaos Marines, don't forget. ;)

But at least now I know it won't be a walk-over and we'll probably have an enjoyable battle.

(it will be strange for both of us... he likes his tanks and I like my deepstriking Raptors and Terminators, both of which are not very good in Zone Mortalis battles)

I will let you know how it went... but it will take a while (we first have to build a spaceship board to play on)

Thanks for the feedback

This Dave
05-30-2014, 12:21 PM
And if he has and of the new Scions or is using the old Stormtroopers a ZM game helps them against considerably against CSMs. The close quarters means their shorter ranged weapons don't matter as much and as they can be given orders they can be terrifying. FRFSRF combined with BS 4 can be lethal.