View Full Version : First shot at unbound chaos

05-29-2014, 10:03 PM
G'day all, this is my first attempt at making an unbound chaos nurgle list based on terminators and daemon engines. I'll be using this tomorrow against a mates tau, what are your thoughts? I know it doesnt gain much form being unbound, but considering I normally only run a couple of cultists squads and zombies in battleforged its not losing a whole lot either.

Lord: Terminator Armour, MoN, Brand, Powerfist, Sigil

Sorcerer: Terminator Armour, MoN, 2x Additional Mastery, Spell Familiar

Chaos Terminators: x 6, MoN, Axes, Heavy Flamer

Chaos Terminators: x5, MoN, Axes, Reaper

Chaos Terminators: x5, MoN, Axes, Reaper



Obliterators: x2, MoN

Obliterators: x2, MoN

Defiler: Extra Powerfist, Heavy Flamer

Thats 1847

I'll be using it against a tau player who uses a combo of farsight and regular tau, usually runs 3 fire warrior squads, fireblade, aegis, 2 missilesides (with buffmander and drones) 3x Crisis squads a riptide and 2 squads of kroot snipers.

He normally plays pretty castle until later when he gets agressive with his suits.

I figure the defiler can hammer his suit units from range as he doesn't have much that can touch it at the back fo the board. And it means that when he outflanks the kroot squads to nab my objectives I can flame and stomp 'em. I also figure that with changes to smash teh defiler can take the riptide in combat if he decides to be agressive with it

White Tiger88
05-29-2014, 10:50 PM
Needs more Baledrakes and Possessed..........

05-31-2014, 05:22 AM
Well.....That was...Interesting.

So had my game today and I must say I was in for a surprise (kinda serves me right too) My mate decided he didnt feel like using his tau anymore till he had them painted more. Instead I found myself facing Deathwing with grey knight allies. I dont have a full battle report but I do have some comments.

His list was roughly
Dark Angels

Librarian (ML2) Terminator armour (rolled div)
Deathwing Command, TH/SS x4, banner of fortitude, Champion, CML

Deathwing squad, 3x TH/SS, CML
Deathwing squad, 3x TH/SS, CML

Grey Knights

Librarian (ML 3?) (Rolled santic)

Grey Knight terminator squad: Halberds
Grey Knight terminator squad: Halberds

Firstly I smashed the poor bugger, he conceded end if turn 4 with only a handful of models left. (I'd lost a terminator squad in T4 and 3 more terminators before that)
Its not his fault I've been playing a terminator heavy list for a long time now and he only had a few games with his Deathwing when he first started playing. That and he's still tweaking his terminator list (I recommended dropping the TH/SS out of his Deathwing troops, and grabbing a handful of psy-cannons instead)

I must say I was very happy with the Defilers performance. for facing a list that was able to largely ignore his strengths he did very well.
Tore Belial apart in combat when my mate dropped him and the Command squad behind my lines, albeit with the help of a pair of oblits and am iron armed sorcerer.
He also killed at least a squads worth of terminators over the course of the game just through forcing saves on units from long range.(He wiped out the remnants of a squad in turn 4 in combat)
He was also never really threatened by my mates krak missiles, becuase I just moved him around LOS terrain, or shrugged off the one or two shots that came his way (Ap3 not being able to pop you is a HUGE change)
Oh and he capped one of my own back field objectives, scoring me D3 victory points in turn 3)

I really would run one again, and actually will be form now on. The range was great and the combat power nothing to sneeze at, the changes to smash alone mean that defilers should be able to go toe to toe with most MCs

05-31-2014, 05:45 AM
Just curious, did your two HQ's join different 5 man termy squads, or stay in the same squad or run solo?

Also, how effective are Chaos termys when not running mark of Nurgle? Say Tzeentch or Slaanesh?

The reason I ask, is that I play Slaanesh almost exclusively and am branching into Tzeentch and was thinking of picking up some termys...

05-31-2014, 06:15 AM
my chaos lord runs with the 6 man terminator squad (for a total of seven, being the sacred number of nurgle) But my sorc usually rocks out with a pair of oblits.

MoN and tzeentch on terminators are kinda interchangeable in the sense that they both increase your survivabillity but its against different things. MoN helps against small arms fire that you get your armour save against, but MoT helps you shrug off plasma and other Ap2 nastiness
with Tzeentch and Nurgle you can take the unwieldly weapons pretty readily as you have the defence to ensure you get to swing, and in combat most things that ignore or overcome those defences are I1 anyway. Slaanesh and Khorn however run terminators very differently.

The MoS is fairly different being an offensive upgrade (+1I), If I was running slaanesh terminators I'd give them swords and mauls instead of axes for that I5 swing, pound xenos at their own speed and strike before marines even get to swing. Slaanesh has 2 ways to really think of running terminators.

1) Small and cheap termicide (available to everyone) 3 man squads with MoS, 2x Mauls 1xSword (Champ) and all of them with combi-plas, drop/fry a target/choppy

2) big unit, say 6 men (or 5 if you want a lord/sorcerer in the unit) again, mauls and swords. But this tiem fork out for the Icon of excess. This gives you FNP, which is practically a 5+ re-roll to your saves, this means that terminators with the MoS and IoE are statistically as survivable to plasma as tzeentch terminators.

If you run a big squad you can either give it a reaper and combi-plas and walk it up the field. OR you can give them paired lightning claws (give one a heavy flamer if you arent running an IC with the squad) and stick them in a raider, no one likes the thought of getting hit with 5 I5 Ap3 FNP terminators out of a raider.

ultimately they are both good upgrades and what you choose should be your own choice (as with most chaos units)

05-31-2014, 08:16 AM
Back in 5th I preferred to play an "ambush" type army, and with the changes to 7th that may be viable again. I am working on a Chaos varient Proteus Landraider currently to heighten that effect. I trick it out with Ceramite Armor, Extra Armor, Pintle Mounted Multi-Melta, and replace the Heavy Bolter with a Twin-Linked Heavy Flamer. Because the thing comes with Scout and Explorator Augury Web, I use it one of two ways:

1. It Outflanks in with a unit of Noise Marines inside that also have Outflank due to a selection of Warlord that ensures the Infiltrate. Ideally it will have Lucius inside too if the Warlord Trait was two plus. This means the Proteus can swing in and disgorge a unit of eight models, two of which sport Template Doom Sirens STR-5 ignores cover and the other six have Sonic Blasters which also ignore cover. The Proteus itself can also Flame if best option and/or use Multi-Melta and Lascannons to effect. Combined with other elements of an army designed to come from Reserve (deep striking Oblits, Helldrakes, etc.) I can usually just roast camped gun lines and parking lots.

2. It is the only thing I deploy (with or without a unit in transport) hidden somewhere outside of LOS to ride out the storm of shooting from certain kinds of lists. It is likely to survive a round if I place it right and thus provide the big perk to all my Reserves. That way nearly everything I have hits on Turn-2. I'm a big fan of hitting with Balelfamers, Obliterators coming in with Heavy Flamers or Melta as needed, outflanking Chosen with Melta, Plasma, etc. loadout, and so on.

05-31-2014, 11:08 AM
I played against Deathwing last night, too. Belial, a Librarian, a Techmarine with a power field generator, some Knights, 3 Terminator squads, and two Land Raiders. I had Draigo, 6 Paladins in an LRC, and 4x10 GKSS in Rhinos. I jumped some guys out as bait, but he didn't take it and stayed inside his Land Raiders and deepstuck his guys on his home objectives, so Draigo and the Paladins multi-charged his Land Raiders and exploded them. He counter charged with the Knights and two of the Terminator squads, so the Paladins died pretty quickly, but Draigo had Precognition. Draigo should not be allowed to have Precognition.

After about five rounds of combat, Draigo had one wound left was still tying up like 11 Terminators after killing Belial, his Librarian, and a few Terminators. I'd shot everything else of his off the table with my GKSS. So I threw every single one of my psychic dice at a power, Draigo Perils'd and jumped back in the warp, leaving his remaining guys free to get shot. I killed all but one, who charged me and got punched to death T5 for the tabling.

It was a pretty fun game, but psychic powers are terribly balanced now. He had no hope of Denying Precog on Draigo. He'd played against a Thousand Sons army with Invisibility immediately beforehand, and Invisibility is broken, too. Just those two powers changed the game.

The missions are also god-awful terrible. Mission cards are a cool idea, but if I hadn't tabled him, we would have tied, despite him being reduced to one model and despite the fact that I was sitting on every single objective just waiting to net cards. But he drew a bunch of good mission cards early and racked up some points, while I drew cards like "destroy and enemy building" or "have a scoring unit withing 12" of your opponent's deployment zone" which I couldn't possibly achieve, or in the case of the latter couldn't achieve until late-game. Every other game I've watched so far has been similarly misbalanced in regards to the missions, where it doesn't matter how skilled you are of a player or even how well you're doing in the battle. Everything is purely luck of the draw, so as long as you get a good hand and don't get tabled, you win.