View Full Version : New life for Epidemius?! 1850 List for CSM/Nurgle Daemons

Lord Krungharr
05-29-2014, 04:53 PM
1849 points total

Primary CSM:

20 Cultists
20 Cultsts

2 Nurgle Heralds/ML2/Locus FNP
7 Plague Drones
10 Plaguebearers
9 Nurglings (Objective Secured!)
3 Phlegm Grinders

Idea being that Huron can at least Inflitrate Epidemius since he's Infantry, and he can go with the Nurglings at first since they can do that too. Then in Turn 1 the Drones can move up and Epidemius can join them, thus gaining distance more than usual since he's a big slowpoke. Then the Grinders put on the hurt with the Phlegm cannons racking up the Tally, and the Heralds casting hopefully decent Biomancies onto the Drones. Wouldn't work too well vs Terminator armies, but could be neat.

White Tiger88
06-01-2014, 02:46 AM
Odd point cost but looks fun to play!