View Full Version : 2000 Point Dark Angles - Dark Vengeance additions

Maff Williams
05-28-2014, 09:54 AM
I have picked up two sets of Dark Angles from the Dark Vengeance box set. I have added what I have acquired over the years to help make an all round DA list. Could do with some points on where my army is lacking etc and what to replace.

I am aware i dont have any Anti Air in this list but thats due to not owning any models that have it.

I also like to play WYSIWYG, hence the Plasma on all the troops due to the box set models.

I have my first game tonight with the new rules so hopfully I will have some more insight tomorrow.

Fire away! (be gentle as i am new at the game)

Azrael – 215
Librian – 130
Mastery Level 2
Terminator Armour

Tactical Squad (10) – 185
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Rifle
Plasma Cannon

Tactical Squad (10) – 185
Plasma Pistol
Plasma Rifle
Plasma Cannon

Deathwing Terminators (5) – 245
Chain Fist
Assault Cannon

Deathwing Terminators (5) – 245
Chain Fist
Assault Cannon

Ravenwing Attack Squadron (3) – 95
1 Plasma Rifle

Ravenwing Attack Squadron (3) – 95
1 Plasma Rifle

Dreadnaught – 135
Power Fist w/ Storm Bolter
Drop Pod

Fast Attack
Land Speeder – 50

Land Speeder – 50

Heavy Support
Predator – 120
TL Lascannon
2 x Heavy Bolters

Land Raider Crusader – 250

05-28-2014, 11:59 AM
Well... it is hard to give advice as the entire META changed with the new rules. This is a classic mechanized list which hasn't seen a lot of use in recent years, but the new rules will help it in some ways. The ability to Jink even if you haven't moved yet, i.e. you didn't go first, will help the bikes and the speeders. My personal view is that you have too much Plasma. You need at least a little Melta in that toolkit to crack the hard stuff. I suppose if you fight all Terminator armies on a regular basis, that might be good, but overall it really limits your options.

I don't like the Predator. I never have. However, we shall see if it is anymore durable than before.

The Land Raider "might" be poised for a comeback, but I'm not entirely optimistic. The damn things are still expensive as hell, don't really work as assault vehicles due to the current rule preventing you from moving more than 6" if you want to disembark, and aside from a slight defensive boost against Anti-Tank weapons will probably remain things that get popped before they deliver their cargo. We won't even go in to Lance weapons, Haywire Grenades, and Smash. That being said, I am willing to keep an open mind. The biggest problem facing the LR of any stripe is the hard situation facing assault. Their primary value is in being assault vehicles.

Terminators either sink or swim. The low model count hurts even with the good armor saves. The volume of fire out there today chews through five man Terminator squads, particularly those without the ubiquitous Storm Shield. You are going to have to hope that Land Raider gets a unit of them to the target. :D

05-28-2014, 12:13 PM
As a fellow Dark Angels player (The few, the proud, the mad.) I can tell you to invest in an Aegis Defence Line A.S.A.P. those things are a glorious miracle that we need, otherwise we'd be hopelessly outclassed. A little less so as 7th kicked Interceptor in the teeth, but it'll still reliably put a wound on a Flyrant and bring it to the ground. You need that.

As for the rest, it's good and you can never have enough troops. I would suggest magnetizing the Land Speeder so that you can make all the variants (It's super easy to do.) but the pair of Heavy Bolter sloggers will do as a great distraction/mop-up unit as 6 S5 AP4 shots is nothing to sneeze at for most infantry. So use that to menace low Leadership units and also don't expect the speeders to survive.

The Land Raider is a favourite of mine. Tough as nails and a serious menace, and stick 5 Terminators in there it'll make the enemy cry if it gets close enough. With explodes being on 7+, I think it got better. So when you take it, power towards the meanest unit they have and let those boys go nuts. I played with Pyromancy for the first time last night, and if you manage to get Fire Shield with your Librarian, even better.

I'm also going to make the suggestion that you should pick up some Rhino's for those Tactical Squads, I ran without them for a long time and I regret it. Don't make my mistake, buy Rhino's, love your life.

Also, be very careful with your Bikers, they're stronger than your footsloggers, but not nearly as much as you'd like them to be. Use them to menace backfield troops, hit and run often and DON'T FORGET TO MAKE YOUR SCOUT MOVE at the beginning of the game.

Otherwise, it looks solid enough, and you've got lots of troops, which I like.

Make the Lion proud Brother and welcome to the Pride of Angels.

Maff Williams
05-29-2014, 07:11 AM
Cheers for the advice guys, not surprisingly i got smashed turn 4 but it was Vs a Tau who refused to move and just lit me up with marker lights and a riptide.

Azrael is a beast just wouldnt Die! I see what you mean about the bikes, i scout moved them into a line of fire warriors and it didn't end well! Land raider seemed ok, its killed its points in enemy models so i was happy. i will invest in the rhinos i think as it was a lot of foot slogging for not much reward.

how is best to use the Defence Line?